Li mochuan is very pleased because Qiao Siyu teaches sweety very well.

"What a good boy. Come on, I'll take you to brush your teeth..."

This is the first time Li mochuan took care of sweety. He was afraid that he didn't do well enough. When sweety was still sleeping, he checked his experience of raising a four-year-old girl on the Internet.

The children's toothbrush, toothpaste, towels and all kinds of clothes were bought by him in the mall. He was still worried about whether sweety would like this design and color.

"Wow... This toothbrush is so cute. It really conforms to my current temperament."

Hearing that sweety liked it, Li mochuan was relieved. He squeezed toothpaste on his toothbrush and squatted in front of sweety, "open your mouth and I'll brush your teeth."

Although I have checked a lot about the experience of raising children on the Internet, it is still difficult to experiment. Li mochuan is still worried that his carelessness will hurt sweety's young gums.

"Although I really want you to do a lot of things for me, I'd better brush my teeth myself. Shirley said that I have to finish my own things. I'm four years old now. It seems that I'm so incompetent if you help me brush my teeth..."

"Well, sweety is the smartest in our family."

Watching the little guy brush his teeth like a mold, Li mochuan's heart is soft. If he can't really touch her, he really thinks all this is a dream.

"Merlin, don't look at others so red. They will be shy..."

Li mochuan: "

When Aunt Han saw sweety, she burst into tears and said, "what a lovely child, like... It's so like!"

When Aunt Han learned that Qiao Siyu had killed her child, she was also sad for a long time, because she knew that her husband had been looking forward to having a child between him and Xiaoyu. Unexpectedly, when she learned that she had a child, she came the bad news that the child had been killed at the same time.

Now it is said that the child has not been knocked out, but has been four years old. Can aunt Han be unhappy?

Aunt Han cried with sweety in her arms. Sweety held out her fleshy little hand to dry her tears for Aunt Han, and then looked at Li mochuan with big eyes. "Merlin, why does grandma Han cry? We are together, shouldn't grandma Han be happy?"

"... your grandma Han is crying with joy."

Aunt Han immediately wiped her tears and echoed, "yes, yes, it's tears of joy. I'm happy tears. Darling, are you hungry? Grandma Han has made you a lot of delicious food. Come and eat."

"Uh huh, thank you, grandma Han..."

Because of sweety's arrival, there was a lot of excitement in the villa, and the smiles on Li mochuan and aunt Han never stopped.

Li mochuan looked at sweety with spoiled eyes, especially missing Qiao Siyu and Sisi. Now this family is waiting for you to come back.


Duan Xiaonan's office.

Lenglie was anxiously reporting the news from Fiji, "Nange, sweety was kidnapped and her whereabouts are unknown."

Hearing the speech, Duan Xiaonan's face changed and said coldly, "what's going on?"

"Maggie just called and said that at more than 3 a.m. last night, a group of people rushed into the villa, silently killed the bodyguards, and then kidnapped sweety. Maggie was knocked unconscious and tied to the bed. When she woke up, it was the next day and saw the note left by the other party on the table..."

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