Qiao Siyu ran over to get on the bus, but suddenly saw Duan Xiaonan get off the driver's seat, bypass the front of the car and quickly walk to her. He held her tightly in his arms. "Didn't he say I'll call you and you'll come out again?"

"Xiao, I'm worried about sweety. I'm afraid something will happen to her. Maggie said sweety has been missing for a week. Do you think she's already... Woo... It's all my fault. I should take sweety home directly... If something happens to sweety, I won't live alone..."

Duan Xiaonan flashed cold from the bottom of his eyes, and then calmly patted Qiao Siyu on the back, "get in the car, let's find a place to talk."


Duan Xiaonan took Qiao Siyu to his private villa, which only Qiao Siyu and Lenglie knew.

When the two went in, Duan Xiaonan poured a cup of warm water for Qiao Siyu. Qiao Siyu drank a sip of water and gradually calmed down. It occurred to him that the bodyguards were Duan Xiaonan's people. He couldn't have looked up at him faintly without knowing that sweety was missing. "Xiao, did you know about sweety's disappearance long ago?"

Duan Xiaonan did not deny, "yes."

Josie put down his glass and stood up angrily. "Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I'm afraid of your worry and impulse. I've been looking for sweety for more than a week..."

Qiao Siyu was excited and tightly grasped Duan Xiaonan's arm. "Have you heard from sweety? Where is she? Who took her?"

Duan Xiaonan shook his head unsightly. "There's no news so far. After the other party took sweety away, he didn't contact us, so the purpose is unknown... Little feather, don't worry, no news is the best news. Sweety auspicious people have their own appearance and will be fine."

"But who took sweety away? Few people know sweety's existence. If it was because of money kidnapping, they would have informed us... But if it was an enemy..."

In the midst of lightning, Qiao Siyu suddenly thought of a person, and a small face was as white as paper.

"It must be him, it must be Li mochuan. He must know the existence of sweety, and he will kill sweety..."

Duan Xiaonan picked his eyebrows. He was thinking about how to attract Qiao Siyu's attention to Li mochuan. Qiao Siyu had determined that Li mochuan was the murderer of kidnapping sweety. Even God was helping him!

He has been looking for sweety again these days, but so far he has got nothing. If the flying car Gang really took sweety, according to the last break, the people of the flying car gang will certainly kill sweety, but the problem is, sweety lives and dies.

So he began to doubt that sweety was not taken away by the flying car Gang, but the people who really took sweety deliberately left a note to break with the flying car gang in order to hide their eyes and ears.

Not surprisingly, according to the people he sent to the flying car Gang to inquire about the news, the flying car Gang didn't catch sweety at all, let alone know the existence of sweety. Of course, he sent someone to inquire about sweety, not to save sweety, but if the people of the flying car Gang didn't move sweety, he didn't mind sending sweety to heaven... After all, his real purpose is to kill sweety and blame Li mochuan.

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