Li mochuan looked at Qiao Siyu so quietly, his eyes twinkled and gentle, "OK, I'll go... But aunt Han has been in this house for so many years, and it's inconvenient for her to follow me around. For her sake of Hello, I hope you can keep her..."

Seeing that Li mochuan was leaving, Qiao Siyu suddenly shouted to him, "wait... Although this villa is under my name now, you gave it to me after all. I don't plan to live here. If you have no place to go, you can continue to live here."

"Ah..." Li mochuan stopped and looked at Qiao Siyu. "Are you sympathizing with me? Or are you reluctant to let me eat and wander outside? Aren't you going to die of old age and don't communicate with each other? If I stay here, I'll become your little white face?"

Jos bit his back teeth in a tone, but said with a sneer on his face: "does president Li still need sympathy from others? Since President Li wants to wander, please... Remember to go to the hospital. If you die like this, I'll be a murderer."

"Don't worry, life has so much fun, I can't bear to die!"

Li mochuan finally left. He left without changing his clothes. Qiao Siyu looked at his back and suddenly felt that his body was evacuated.

I was very nervous in the morning. Now I learned that sweety was safe and sound, and my tight nerves relaxed. Josie sat on the ground all at once.

When he fell down, Qiao Siyu's hand just touched the blood on the floor. It was flowing from Li mochuan's chest. The blood was cold. Looking at the red in his hand, Qiao Siyu's heartache was more severe


After Li mochuan left the villa, he didn't go to the hospital, but went to muyunfan's residence.

Mu Yunfan saw that he came in covered with blood. The original wake-up gas dissipated in an instant. He asked nervously, "how did you get so bloody early in the morning and meet the killer sent by Duan Xiaonan?"

Li mochuan walked towards the sofa and said faintly, "do you have a medicine box?"

Mu Yunfan followed Li mochuan's ass with some anxiety, "just because you shed so much blood, it's useless to have a medicine box. You must go to the hospital."

"The knife edge is not deep. There's no need to go to the hospital. Just disinfect and bandage it."

Mu Yunfan looked at Li mochuan like a ghost and said, "you have shed so much blood and said the wound is not deep. Go to the hospital."

"I know you have needles and wires here. Just sew them for me..."

"Brother, but I don't have narcotics!"

"No anesthetic, come on..."

Mu Yunfan frowned, "are you serious?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"


Finally, mu Yunfan can only take out the medicine box to help Li mochuan sew needles. Although mu Yunfan is a psychologist, he has studied a lot of surgical skills because of his interest, so the technique is still neat.

But no matter how neat the technique was, it couldn't relieve the pain. Muyunfan looked at Li mochuan's forehead and a layer of sweat had burst out, but Li mochuan was stunned and didn't hum.

Mu Yunfan had to lament Li mochuan's strong endurance.

But the more Li mochuan endured, the more nervous mu Yunfan became. After sewing the needle, mu Yunfan himself sweated.

Fortunately, the knife edge was not deep. After sewing, the needle was wrapped with gauze, which finally stopped the blood.

Put the medicine box away, muyunfan sighed heavily, "now you can tell me what's going on? Who has the ability to stab you in the chest with a knife?"

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