After listening to Qiao Shengkai's analysis, Du Yuelan was unwilling to give up the idea of getting Shunchang group.

Turning to see the tonic brought by Qiao Siyu, Du Yuelan snorted coldly, "they all say that the richer the people are, the more they buckle. They are 100 billion presidents. It's not too embarrassing to buy this gift to send it!"

As soon as Qiao Siyu walked out of Qiao's door, it rained heavily.

It was impossible to return to Qiao's house to get an umbrella. She bit her teeth and went straight into the rain curtain, trying to rush to the side of the road to take a taxi.

But before she ran two steps, a car suddenly came face-to-face and blocked her way.

Qiao Si frowned and looked up subconsciously. When she saw Li mochuan get off the car, her heart suddenly became warm, and the depression accumulated by Qiao disappeared in an instant.

He was wearing a suit. When his breath ran into the tip of his nose, Josie was reassured and palpitating.


"Get in the car first!"

Li mochuan hugged Qiao Siyu's shoulder and escorted Qiao Siyu to the co pilot. After sitting well, he bypassed the front of the car and sat in the driver's seat. Because of the heavy rain, both of them were wet.

Li mochuan turned around and parked the car on the roadside. He picked up a clean towel and wiped the rain on Qiao Siyu's face. Then he wiped her wet short hair on her face with a towel.

"In such a heavy rain, won't you call for a car first?"

It sounds like a reproachful tone, but Josie feels very warm. His actions are very gentle and once intoxicated Josie.

"Didn't you say it's unsafe to take a taxi?"

Li mochuan paused and then smiled, "if I remember correctly, is that what aunt Han said?"

Qiao Siyu snorted, and her cheeks were a little red. Unexpectedly, her snort sounded jiaochen to Li mochuan. This should be the first time for the two to sit together in peace after they met again.

"Even if it's not safe to take a taxi, you can call me. After all, I'm your driver. In other words, I just called you. Why didn't you answer?"

Seeing Qiao Siyu bite his lips, Li mochuan frowned slightly, "is it inconvenient or don't want Joe's family to know that you still have contact with me?"

Qiao Siyu suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Li mochuan. When he saw the rain on his face and his hair was dripping, he said faintly to his deep ink like eyes: "it's no inconvenience and I'm not afraid that others know that I have contact with you, but... I wanted to go home at that time. I didn't have to answer the phone to waste your phone bill."

Li mochuan chuckled, "as a man who has been slept by President Qiao, does it seem too frustrating if he can't afford a little phone bill?"

Joe's face is red. Can this guy not mention that thing every day? What a shame!

Without answering Li mochuan's words, Qiao Siyu directly cut off the topic, "by the way, why are you here?"

"Specially to pick you up."

"Pick me up? How did you know I was here?"

Hearing the speech, Li mochuan picked up Qiao Siyu's chin, and a pair of Youtong eyes looked at her, "I want to say that I have a good connection with you. Do you believe it?"

Josie language has seen many beautiful eyes, especially in Fiji. The eyes of those foreigners are dark green, blue and tan. They are as beautiful as those inlaid.

But those eyes are so dim compared with the eyes in front of them.

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