
Seeing that Aunt Han was about to get angry, Qiao Siyu immediately rushed over and grabbed aunt Han's arm. "Aunt Han, you must be very tired just after buying vegetables. Have a good rest first."

Aunt Han was very angry when she saw the culprit who had separated Qiao Siyu and Li mochuan for so many years. Although she had not seen Duan Xiaonan himself, aunt Han had long remembered his name and scolded several times every day

I wanted to drive him out with a mop, but when I saw the look of Josie's envoy, aunt Han angrily stared at Duan Xiaonan and walked into the kitchen without saying a word.

Qiao Siyu helped his forehead and said faintly to Duan Xiaonan, "sit for a while and I'll bring tea."


As soon as Qiao Siyu walked into the kitchen, his hand was urgently pulled by Aunt Han, "Xiao Yu, how did Duan Xiaonan bastard come home?"

"He came to see sweety..."

"Hum, I think it's the weasel who doesn't have any good intentions to pay New Year's greetings to the chicken."

Qiao Siyu knows that Aunt Han doesn't like Duan Xiaonan. Aunt Han is very short-sighted. She has followed Li mochuan for so many years and naturally hates Wu and Wu.

"It's okay, aunt Han, you have a good rest. I'll go out and talk to him..."

Since Duan Xiaonan doesn't want to go out to talk, all the words will be agreed at home.

Aunt Han didn't speak, but after Qiao Siyu went out with tea, she immediately took out her mobile phone and called Li mochuan, but the line was busy all the time

Ouch, sir, what are you doing!?


Li mochuan went home directly after picking up sweety. Because Qiao Siyu got off work early today, he couldn't wait to go home and hug his beloved wife.

But on the way, Li mochuan was acutely aware of the tracking of more than one vehicle.

Moreover, those cars were very fast and obviously came for him, but due to the rush hour, there were more vehicles on the road, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

Li mochuan stepped up the accelerator, walked back and forth between the vehicles and lost the car behind him.

"Merlin, don't go around, okay? I'm so dizzy..."

"Sweety, when you close your eyes and open them again, I promise I'll be home."

"Well, OK."

Seeing that there was no car to catch up, Li mochuan breathed a sigh of relief. The car gradually stabilized. After driving to a safer Road, he immediately called Wang Guojun, "check the license plate number..."

Before he finished, a car suddenly rushed out of the street on the right and hit Li mochuan's car directly.

Damn it

As soon as Li mochuan hit the steering wheel, he moved to the left, but a car also rushed out on the left. At this time, the vehicle originally thrown away by Li mochuan also caught up.

Left and right attack, the rear is closed, and Li mochuan can only speed up.

"Mr. Li... Mr. Li, what's the situation?"

The king at the other end of the phone felt that the situation was wrong and was worried.

"I was intercepted. Check where I am. It's easier to rush out."

"There is an alley leading to youth road in front of you, where there are few vehicles..."

When Li mochuan saw the hit vehicle, the bloodthirsty light at the bottom of his eyes flashed by, and turned the steering wheel to the right. When he hit the car, he rushed forward and passed the car perfectly. Obviously, the car didn't stop, and directly collided with the car caught up behind Li mochuan, making a huge sound.

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