Then Wei Anfu stood up. "I know there is something wrong with this cup of coffee and I have to drink it. I just don't want to brush the face of Yueyue and Xiaoyu... Yueyue personally brought this cup of coffee to me. How can I fail her?"

Qiao Siyu helped him. In terms of professional knowledge, muyunfan may be better than Wei Anfu, but this EQ... Wei Anfu can abuse muyunfan into slag!

"Xiaoyu, it's getting late. I'll go first..."

"OK, Secretary Pei, send Mr. Wei away."

"Yes, Mr. Qiao."

"Ah..." Mu Yunfan tried to stop him, but when he saw Qiao Siyu shaking his head at him, he endured it again.

When Pei Yueyue passed muyunfan, she gave him two words coldly, "childish!"

As soon as mu Yunfan heard that the whole person was bad, he watched Pei Yueyue send Wei Anfu out of the office.

As soon as I turned back, I heard Josie's voice joking, "I said Dr. mu, you won't like my little secretary?"

Mu Yunfan put down his coffee and came to Qiao Siyu, "I want Pei Yueyue to be my wife..."

"Poof..." joss almost spewed, "aren't you a righteous man who doesn't marry?"

"Hey... I didn't know Pei Yueyue. I didn't plan to get married before. Marriage is very troublesome, and I always hate trouble. But now I think it's good to get married. If the object is Pei Yueyue, I like it even if it's troublesome."

This is probably the most disgusting sentence that Qiao Siyu has heard from mu Yunfan for so many years.

"Are you serious?"

"There is nothing more serious than this."

Qiao Siyu picked his eyebrows. "Do you want to marry Pei Yueyue because you love her or because your family has forced you? I heard that you have been forced by your family for several years."

"Heard? Did you listen to Li mochuan? Are you two going to remarry?"

"... well, we're talking about your problem now. If you want to listen to gossip, the door is there. Take your time..."

Mu Yunfan is covered with black lines. How can Qiao Siyu be more and more like Li mochuan!

"Well, well, President Qiao, can't I be wrong? In fact, I can't say what love is, but every time I'm with Pei Yueyue, I feel very happy. I miss her when I can't see her, and I get angry when I see her with other men. This is about love..."

Isn't that love?

"It's true that I want to marry Pei Yueyue. If I really just want to deal with my family and find a woman casually, why bother to chase her!"

Qiao Siyu couldn't help laughing when he thought of Pei Yueyue's cold eye to muyunfan, "you seem to have been hated by peiyueyue. Are you sure you want to chase her?"

At the mention of this, mu Yunfan became angry, "it's not all because of Wei Anfu's bastard. He clearly doesn't love Pei Yueyue and has to rob me. Hum, overestimate his strength..."

Qiao Siyu was the first time to see such a oppressed muyunfan. He couldn't help laughing, "but how can I find that Pei Yueyue feels better about Wei Anfu than you?"

"So you have to help me, Xiao Yu. You don't want to see your dear little secretary fall into Wei Anfu's clutches?"

Qiao Siyu touched his chin and thought about it. In fact, compared with Wei Anfu, Qiao Siyu felt that muyunfan was very suitable for Pei Yueyue. Regardless of his family background, Wei Anfu was a person who had been among thousands of flowers and didn't touch his body. Pei Yueyue has experienced a traumatic relationship, which is really not suitable for the prodigal son of Wei Anfu.

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