Sweety, who had lowered her head, suddenly looked up and gave her a big smile, "if it was Merlin, I would be very happy..."

Josie was overjoyed and asked again carefully, "do you agree?"

"En en... Shirley, for me, as long as you are happy, I will be happy. Merlin will make you laugh, make you happy, and spoil me so much. I also want to turn his temporary father into a real father..."

Josie kissed sweety's face with great excitement, "Mom's little baby, thank you..."

Sweety giggled when she was kissed, but she thought, in fact, she has been waiting for this day for a long time! She can eat Merlin promised her Matcha cake again!

As soon as Qiao Siyu and sweety came out of the kindergarten door, Li mochuan ran over in a hurry. Qiao Siyu looked at him sweating and frowned slightly, "where have you been?"

Li mochuan took sweety from Qiao Siyu without saying a word, and the other hand took Qiao Siyu's hand to the side of the car.

After sweety was placed on the children's chair, Qiao Siyu sat in the co pilot's position despite Qiao Siyu's objection, then pulled Qiao Siyu's arm "kissed" by mosquitoes, took out medicine and cotton swabs and began to apply medicine.

Medicine? Where did you get the medicine?

After a brief stupor, he suddenly realized, "did you just buy medicine?"

"Well... There are grass mosquitoes in the woods. Although they are not toxic, they are itchy. This medicine is very effective."

The originally hot and itchy mosquito bag is gently swept by a cotton swab wrapped with medicine, which is cool and antipruritic

Inadvertently raised his eyes and looked at Li mochuan. He was very focused and gentle, as if she were his treasure.

Damn it, I just wronged him!

Suddenly thinking that sweety was still in the back seat, Qiao Siyu subconsciously turned his head and looked at sweety's big eyes. Those eyes were too pure, which made Qiao Siyu tremble in his heart and quickly took back his hand.

Just at this time, Li mochuan had finished wiping the medicine and didn't care, but his sexy thin lips were slightly hooked

In order to celebrate the award, sweety proposed to eat seafood. Qiao Siyu didn't object, and Li mochuan wouldn't object. He could do anything as long as he accompanied his two most beloved women

So the family happily ran to the seafood restaurant.

As soon as he ordered, Josie saw a familiar man holding a little boy of five or six years old.

At the same time, Zhai Lingfeng also saw Qiao Siyu and Li mochuan with a cold face, and looked at the little girl carved with powder and jade.

Thin lip evil hook, Zhai Lingfeng took the little boy's hand and walked to Qiao Siyu's position

Zhai Lingfeng's evil eyes moved back and forth on Qiao Siyu and Li mochuan's faces for a moment, then he hooked his lips and smiled, "Xiaoyu, how clever..."

Qiao Siyu didn't expect to meet Zhai Lingfeng here. After a little surprise, he ignored Zhai Lingfeng's ambiguous eyes and smiled, "well, it's quite coincidence."

While talking, his eyes couldn't help falling on the child led by Zhai Lingfeng. The child closed his mouth tightly, and his beautiful eyes were empty, like a walking Doll.

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