
Hanging up the phone, Qiao Siyu fell into meditation. The information found by Wang Guojun was like a stone running into the lake, which caused waves in her heart.

How can Lenglie know Fang Yehan? And when she disappeared?

She was rescued from a car accident by Duan Xiaonan. Is there anything else she doesn't know?

Damn it, what happened that year!?

At this time, Li mochuan also received a call from Wang Guojun.

"Mr. Li, I told my wife everything as you told me..."

"Well, continue to send people to stare at Duan Xiaonan and Chu Keke. Neither side can take it lightly."


Hang up the phone. When Li mochuan returned to the room, he saw Qiao Siyu still on the balcony. She was only wearing a thin Pajama and her hair was a little messy in the breeze, but she seemed to be immersed in her own world and didn't notice the cold attack

As soon as she got warm, Qiao Siyu turned her head and saw Li mochuan's handsome face. For a moment, many pictures flashed in her mind

"You asked me to date another woman. I promised. I wanted you to be jealous, but I was afraid you would wish me happiness..."

"How about leaving Jin Zichen? I'll give you thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of millions of times what he can give you. I can still give you what he can't give you. Please don't miss my good man, or you'll regret it!"

"I want to tell the world that Qiao Siyu is a woman on the tip of my heart. No TM is qualified to bully you..."

"Qiao Siyu, I love you. I really like love. Sometimes I want to imprison you and only let me have it by myself, but I can't, because I don't want to see your eyes that hate me or your smiling face. You never know how destructive your smile is to me..."

Leaning in the warm embrace, smelling the taste of Li mochuan, the affectionate words that suddenly rushed into his mind made Qiao Siyu palpitating

"Husband, can you tell me when you fell in love with me?"

Li mochuan was slightly stunned. He thought Qiao Siyu would ask something about Fang Yehan. Unexpectedly, she would suddenly ask this

"The first time I saw you, you were very embarrassed by the heavy rain at that time, but it made me unable to look away. My dear wife, I fell in love with you at first sight. Goodbye."

Fell in love with her the first time we met? Why use her after that? Why hurt her and deceive her?

My head suddenly hurt again.

Don't want Li mochuan to worry, Qiao Siyu bit her lips and endured it. After a while, her headache eased after she stopped remembering.

"Husband, I always feel like I've forgotten a lot of important things..."

Li mochuan's heart hurt slightly, "wife, I'm sure you'll remember everything. But don't force yourself to think, just let it go..."

Li mochuan is the one who wants Qiao Siyu to recover her memory, but he doesn't want to make her suffer.

So he is willing to wait

Li mochuan said let it be, but Qiao Siyu couldn't wait for a moment. She wanted to know what part of her missing memory was? I also want to find out the context of five years ago

What is the complicated truth?

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