Li mochuan didn't respond to Cui Yuhao, but turned his head and looked at Qiao Siyu brightly, "would you like to go with me?"

"Ah?" Josie was really stunned. Although she was not carsick, she certainly didn't want to let her go to the racing car. Besides, she didn't understand anything about the navigator, but Li mochuan's deep and sexy voice rang again before she could say no, "When racing, the co pilot will make the wheels more important and increase the friction, which is very helpful for braking. Besides, I race today to save you and your sister. Shouldn't you go with me?"

"But... But I can't help anything. Maybe I'll make trouble for you."

"You don't have to help me. You just stay by my side."

"In case..."

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"I......" when Qiao Siyu raised her eyes to Li mochuan's sharp and deep black eyes, her heart suddenly jumped wildly. For a moment, she didn't know what she was thinking and shook her head, "I believe you."

"Good... Wait for me." Li mochuan's mood suddenly got better. He reached out and touched Qiao Siyu's head. Then he went to Qiao Xi'er and handed her to Mu Yunfan.

"Take care of her before I come back. Don't let anything happen to her!"

Mu Yunfan glanced at Qiao Xi'er, then pulled Li mochuan aside, "brother, are you really going to take Qiao Siyu to the game?"

Li mochuan picked his eyebrows and flashed a light in his deep eyes, "of course, how can my woman not be present when playing handsome..."

"... don't blame me for not reminding you. These young people are not simple. They may trip you halfway!"

"Oh... I never fight a battle I'm not sure about." after that, I ignored mu Yunfan and came to Qiao Xier, "don't worry, I won't let your sister have anything."

"Uncle... Uncle, what's the relationship between you and my sister? When Cui Yuhao misunderstood you as my brother-in-law just now, why didn't you explain?" Qiao Xi'er still couldn't forget the way Li mochuan held Qiao Siyu's hand just now. It was like cherishing treasure. She had seen it only when her brother-in-law was nice to her sister. What surprised her most was that her sister didn't like men to touch her, but she didn't get rid of the uncle's hand.

Qiao Xi'er's word "Uncle" made Li mochuan frown slightly. Then he smiled, "I'm your sister's boss now. I can't say it in the future."

"What!?" looking at Li mochuan walking towards the car, Qiao Xi'er frowned and looked at mu Yunfan nearby, "what did the uncle mean just now?"

Mu Yunfan shrugged, "he didn't tell me how I know, but little sister, it seems that the game is more important than this!?"

Sure enough, mu Yunfan's words distracted Qiao Xier's attention

Joe Xi'er looked at the two cars ready to go and prayed secretly that God would bless the uncle to win.


The competition was imminent. After Qiao Siyu got into the car, Li mochuan personally fastened her seat belt. When he saw her biting her lips tightly because of nervousness, he frowned and held her hand, "are you afraid?"

Qiao Siyu nodded, and then shook his head when he was afraid that Li mochuan would be affected because of his fear.

Little did she know how cute her move looked to Li mochuan, "in fact, I'm a little afraid."

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