Qiao Siyu and Li mochuan have heard it, and their son knows what happened that year, and warns them not to mess around. What is this TM!

"What's the use of yelling at me now? Now that things have developed like this, we should find a way to solve it!"

"Then tell me a solution!"

"We can only wait and see the change now. Even if Li mochuan and Qiao Siyu suspect that Lian Shiman was killed by us, they have no evidence. Qi Chengzhi, the doctor we sold, is dead. The dead can't speak, and they can't do anything to us..."

Hearing the speech, Du Yuelan quickly nodded, "you're right. We must not mess up. Fortunately, you reported Qi Chengzhi in time, otherwise he would always be a time bomb! Just Li mochuan is so powerful, I'm still worried..."

"Well, well, don't worry. Things have been going on for more than 20 years. Even if Li mochuan is more powerful, he won't find anything."

"It's all strange that even the bitch Shiman didn't let me go when she died. I always had nightmares before I recognized Josie as her... I knew I should have abused her first and then let her die!"

Du Yuelan's tone was sinister, which Qiao Xier had never heard. She stepped back a few steps unbelievably. She couldn't believe that her parents were the murderers who killed Qiao Siyu's mother.

Flustered, his arm accidentally touched the vase on the table.

The vase fell and broke to the ground.

The crisp voice also came into the two people's ears in the bedroom. Du Yuelan looked ugly and grabbed Qiao Shengkai's arm. "Shengkai, there was someone outside. He heard our conversation."

Qiao Shengkai flashed a sense of killing at the bottom of his eyes, and then took out a steel knife under his pillow.

Those who have done wrong will always feel guilty. Qiao Shengkai is also afraid that someone will harm him. Therefore, since Lian Shiman died, this knife has been placed under his pillow for more than 20 years.

In fact, after hearing Du Yuelan's scream last night, Qiao Shengkai actually took the knife out. Only after hearing Duan Xiaonan's voice, he hid the knife. No one saw it in the dark.

At this time, Qiao Shengkai and Du Yuelan exchanged eyes. People outside heard their conversation and must die! Or they'll die.

Qiao Shengkai quietly opened the door. There was no one outside, only scattered ceramic slag.

"Sheng Kai, people are running away. Hurry up, or we'll be dead."

Qiao Shengkai opened the door and rushed out, but he saw Qiao Xi'er with tears and pale face in the corner next to the table.

"Xi... Xi'er, why are you here?"

At this time, Du Yuelan, who followed behind Qiao Shengkai, also saw Qiao Xi'er. Her face was a little more pale than before. "Xi'er, how could it be you!?"

Qiao Xi'er saw the knife in Qiao Shengkai's hand before it was hidden. She shed tears and was in great pain. "I heard your conversation. Are you going to kill me?"

Du Yuelan glared at Qiao Shengkai and hurriedly went to Qiao Xi'er to grab her hand, but Qiao Xi'er dodged.

"Xi'er, you misunderstood. I was scared last night. Today, I really thought a thief came in. Your father thought of self-defense and picked up the knife..."

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