Description and turned around, leaned his head against Li mochuan's arms and hugged his thin waist, "husband, thank you for being with me all the time..."

Li mochuan smiled, "I don't want to thank you verbally. If you really want to thank me, keep your spirit and thank me in bed!"


At this time, in the police station, Qiao Shengkai and Du Yuelan are still receiving investigations respectively.

Qiao Shengkai is asked by a senior male policeman.

"Mr. Joe, how is your relationship with your ex-wife?"

"Shiman and I love each other very much, but her death is too sudden, which is a great blow to me..."

When Qiao Shengkai said this, the expression on his face was very sad, as if he didn't want to think of the past.

"In that case, it seems that your ex-wife died, and soon you married your current wife Du Yuelan..."

"Hey... I can't help it either. Xiaoyu was still young and no one took care of me. I had to go out to work again, so I got married soon so that I could find a mother for Xiaoyu."

"So you married your current wife for Miss Josie?"

Qiao Shengkai paused for a few seconds, then nodded, "yes!"

"How does your current wife treat Miss Josie?"

Qiao Shengkai remembered that Du Yuelan often played Josie when she was a child, but said, "Xiao Lan is very good to Xiao Yu and has always regarded her as her own daughter. Our family is also very happy and harmonious."

The policeman's eyes flashed slightly, "really?"

If the family is really happy and harmonious, why did she feel so painful when she just asked Josie Du Yuelan if she had beaten her!

"Of course, is it difficult for me to cheat the police comrades with such things?"

"Whether what Mr. Qiao said is true or not, we will investigate one by one, but every word you say now will be notarized in court. If it is false, it will be more unfavorable to you..."

Qiao Shengkai's heart tightened, and his fists under the table were tightly squeezed together, "what I said is the truth!"

"OK... There are some last questions for Mr. Qiao. I heard that when your ex-wife died, you cremated her body that day. She died of cardiac arrest caused by a cold. Don't you doubt it?"

"I was very sad and had to take care of my daughter, so when the doctor announced my ex-wife's death, I arranged her affairs."

"But in the evening, we received a call from the police. Someone said that your ex-wife's death was related to you and your current job. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"Wronged, comrade police, how can I kill my ex-wife? She is my daughter's mother..."

"You mean someone deliberately framed you?"

"Yes!" Qiao Shengkai said decisively.

"Have you offended anyone recently? Otherwise, why would someone frame you?"

Qiao Shengkai's cold sweat was coming out. The man's eyes were too sharp, as if he could see through him. "I'm a good citizen who abides by the law and won't offend anyone. I don't know who wants to frame me!"

"Well, that's all for today's inquiry. Mr. Qiao has worked hard. You can rest assured that our police will investigate this matter clearly and will not wrong a good man, but we will never let a criminal go.

Hearing this, Qiao Shengkai felt a cold sweat on his back.

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