"No... Shengkai, no..."

Qiao Shengkai's tears also came down. "Have you forgotten what I said yesterday? Live well. The greatest luck in my life is to be husband and wife with you!"

With that, Qiao Shengkai wiped his face with his hand. When he turned to see officer Lei's research eyes, Qiao Shengkai clicked in his heart and hurriedly urged: "officer Lei, let's go!"

Qiao Shengkai was taken away by the police. There was only one person left at home. Du Yuelan was alone.

When she came to the sofa, Du Yuelan saw the paternity test report left on the table and immediately sat down on the ground.

"Xiao Lan, listen to me. I will find a way to solve even Shiman's problem. Just remember, no matter who asks you, no matter what happens, you must insist that you have nothing to do with what happened that year."

It turned out that he had planned to take the blame for her since yesterday

no She can't let Shengkai go to jail. He's innocent!

Thinking, Du Yuelan quickly dialed Duan Xiaonan's phone. The phone only rang twice. Duan Xiaonan answered the phone, "Hello, mom..."

"Xiaonan, something happened. Your father was taken away by the police!"

"Didn't you investigate once yesterday? Why so fast..."

"Your father pleaded guilty. He admitted that he killed Lian Shiman and Xiaonan. Your father is more or less dangerous this time. You must find a way to save him... He pleaded guilty for me! It's all my fault!"

Duan Xiaonan at the other end of the phone said coldly, "really? I'll go to the police station now. Do you want to go with me?"

"Go, go, I'll go..."

So when Qiao Siyu and Qiao Xier arrived at the door of the police station, they just met Duan Xiaonan and Du Yuelan who got out of the car.

Seeing Qiao Xi'er and Qiao Siyu together, Du Yuelan was angry. Without saying a word, she rushed over and slapped Qiao Xi'er in the face.

Qiao Siyu's eyes were cold and pulled Qiao Xi'er behind him, "what are you doing?"

"I teach my daughter what it has to do with you bitch. Get out of here..."

Du Yuelan severely pushed Qiao Siyu. Qiao Siyu was caught off guard and almost pushed down by her. She stepped back two steps, but fell into a strong and warm embrace.

"Little feather, how are you?"

Seeing that the person behind him was Duan Xiaonan, Qiao Siyu's face changed and hurried away from him to Qiao Xi'er, who covered his face and cried, "Xi'er, are you okay?"

Duan Xiaonan saw that Qiao Siyu avoided himself like a snake and scorpion. A handsome face immediately cooled down and looked at Du Yuelan's black eyes with a cold bloodthirsty chill.

Josie shook her head with a burning pain on her face, but it couldn't compare with the pain in her heart.

"Qiao Xi'er, your father has been arrested. Are you satisfied now? I warn you, if you can't save your father, you can't expect me to forgive you in my life! How can I Du Yuelan give birth to such an unfilial daughter..."

Du Yuelan thought Qiao Xi'er called the police, so she vented all her anger on Qiao Xi'er!

Qiao Siyu sneered, "Du Yuelan, you're glad you gave birth to Xi'er. She did it for..."

"Sister, stop talking..."

Just then, a car suddenly stopped at the door of the police station. Qiao Siyu recognized that it was Gu Qingtian's car.

Not only Gu Qingtian but also Li mochuan came down from the car!

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