"Whisper..." Gu Qingming called Qiao Siyu with worry.

"Dad, I'm fine... I don't regret doing so... But Xi'er is innocent. Please don't annoy her. Do you know why I can keep my present appearance in that cannibal Qiao family? It's because Xi'er..."

It was like thinking of something. Josie's mouth was wearing a happy and shallow smile, "I haven't had a good life since Du Yuelan married Qiao Shengkai. Du Yuelan didn't like me and tortured me every day. At that time, I was very young and didn't know how to resist. I always thought that Du Yuelan was unhappy because I did something wrong, so I lived carefully every day. But the more I was afraid of Du Yuelan, the more she tortured me. Once, I took Du Yue away LAN told Qiao Shengkai about hitting me... "

After a pause, Josie continued: "I don't know what Qiao Shengkai told Du Yuelan. When Qiao Shengkai went to work the next day, Du Yuelan took me to the warehouse and beat me severely. She didn't give me food for two days... I was very scared and desperate. At that time, I was thinking, why did my mother leave me alone, why didn't she take me with her? I cried and begged for mercy. I didn't shout Useful... "

Gu Qingming listened to his heart ache for a while, "Xiaoyu, stop talking."

Josie seemed to fall into memory and continued: "In my memory, Duan Xiaonan was really kind to me. Every time Du Yuelan beat me and abused me, as long as Duan Xiaonan was at home, he would protect me, but his maintenance would only make Du Yuelan hate me more... I wanted to run away from home, but I couldn't afford to go out, so I endured it... Later Du Yuelan became pregnant, and she hasn't hit me again since then Of course, she didn't become kind because of her maternal nature, but she was afraid that anger would affect the baby in her belly... "

The living room was quiet, with only Josie's faint voice, no sadness or joy, "Although Du Yuelan still scolded me and insulted me at that time, she didn't move her hand. You see, when Xi'er came, my life was better... Later, when Xi'er was born, Du Yuelan put all her thoughts on Xi'er and didn't torture me anymore. I was very curious about her sister. She secretly went to see her occasionally. She was very cute, soft and white, She will also smile at me. Her smile is like a warm sunshine shining on me, which makes me very happy and happy... "

"Xiaoyu, I'm sorry. It's all dad's fault. Dad should find you earlier, so you won't suffer so much."

Gu Qingming blamed himself. Every word of Qiao Siyu was inserted into his heart like a knife. He didn't expect that his daughter lived that kind of life since childhood! Damn it, what kind of absurd thing he did!

Josie smiled, "Xi'er doesn't suffer after she arrives. Xi'er is a very lovely child. She has protected me since she was a child. Every time Du Yuelan wants to hit me, she will protect me. Du Yuelan is also afraid that Xi'er sees her evil side, so she never targets me in front of Xi'er and will make an image of a loving mother... I still remember what Xi'er said to me when she was four years old, she said Sister, don't be afraid. When I grow up, I will earn a lot of money for you to spend, buy you new clothes and buy you delicious food. I won't let my parents bully you again... "

As he spoke, Qiao Siyu looked at Gu Qingming, "Dad, you see Xi'er has been so kind since childhood. Even if Qiao Shengkai and Du Yuelan are terrible and hateful, Xi'er has never changed. The most painful thing about Qiao Shengkai and my mother is Xi'er. She is a good child. I hope you can talk about the matter on the case and don't embarrass her..."

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