Qiao Siyu slept directly until 5 p.m. when she got up, she was sore and uncomfortable, weak limbs and dizzy

Thinking that Josie was still in the hospital, she got out of bed and washed.

When I went downstairs, I just saw that Aunt Han had prepared dinner and saw a wide range of delicious food on the table. Qiao Siyu quickly took out a heat preservation box and packed a dinner for Qiao Xier.

After eating a little in a hurry, aunt Korea and Han said, "aunt Han, I'm going to see the table in the hospital. You eat slowly at home alone. If mochuan goes home, you tell him I've gone to the hospital."

"Ah... Xiaoyu, you can eat more and go to the hospital!"

"No, I'm not very hungry. Let's go first. Bye, aunt Han..."

While talking, Qiao Siyu had put on her coat and rushed out of the door. Aunt Han's two "Bye Bye" were choked in her throat before she could export. Then she shook her head and smiled, "they are all the children's mothers. They are still so angry..."

But when she thought of something, aunt Han frowned again. Qiao Shengkai and Du Yuelan have been in prison. Between Xiaoyu and Xi'er

Hey... I hope Xi'er can be more open-minded. I hope everything will be better!


When Qiao Siyu took a taxi to the hospital, he suddenly saw a strange and familiar woman come out of the hospital.

The woman was stunned when she saw her, then passed her and left without saying a word.

Qiao Siyu turned his head and looked at the woman's back. Xiumei wrinkled slightly. How can she seem to have seen this woman somewhere?

But when I think about it carefully, I don't have any impression!

Are you wrong? The woman didn't know her at all, just glanced at her subconsciously?

Anyway, I don't know. Josie didn't think too much. He took the heat preservation box to Josie's ward.

When Qiao Siyu arrived at the ward, there was only Qiao Xier in the ward. She looked out of the window like a porcelain doll with lost soul, lifeless and spiritless.

Seeing the surging second rate tears on her face, Qiao Siyu felt a pain in his heart. He went to the bedside and put the incubator on the bedside table. Then he sat on the bed and hugged Qiao Xi'er, "Xi'er..."

Just a name, Josie didn't know what to say.

Does she say, "don't be sad, everything will pass!" or should she say she's sorry?

No matter what she says at the moment, it will look very hypocritical!

After all, she sent Qiao Shengkai and Du Yuelan to prison!

Just when Qiao Siyu was very uncomfortable and tangled in her heart, Qiao Xi'er saved Qiao Siyu, buried her head in her shoulder and cried, very depressed, sad and desperate.

"Sister, I'm so painful and sad. I don't know what to do?"

"Don't cry, Xi'er. Grievances have heads and debts have owners. Your parents' affairs have nothing to do with you. You... Look open!"

Josie shook her head in a breakdown, "no... it's not like that..."

"Well, don't say anything. Don't think about anything. Aunt Han just made a lot of your favorite dinner. I brought it to you. You can eat a little. You're already thin. You've been thinner recently."

Josie comforted Josie and put a small table on the hospital bed. Then he opened the insulation box and brought out all the meals.

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