He Yutong angrily pushes Zhai Lingfeng, trying to get rid of his imprisonment

"I didn't lie to you, I really..."

"Don't argue, I don't believe you anymore..."

Before he finished, a waiter came up the stairs with dishes. Zhai Lingfeng pulled he Yutong aside and gave way.

When he Yutong sees that the waiter goes upstairs and Zhai Lingfeng doesn't react, he pushes Zhai Lingfeng away and is about to go downstairs. Zhai Lingfeng grabs he Yutong's arm again.

He Yutong was eager to leave and fell hard. Due to inertia, he Yutong fell directly towards the building

Zhai Lingfeng is frightened. At the critical moment, he wants to hold he Yutong, but he is only a little short

His hand touched her dress, but he didn't catch her!

He Yutong just rolled down the stairs

Zhai Lingfeng is shocked. He rushes down the stairs and hugs he Yutong. At this time, he Yutong's face is pale and some corners of his eyes have been swollen.

"Tong Tong, Tong Tong... How are you?"

"It hurts... My child, my baby..."

Although he Yutong subconsciously protected her stomach when she rolled down the stairs, the impact and impact were not small, which made her stomach ache violently, and it seemed that there was a heat flow from her lower body

He Yutong is wearing a white woolen coat outside and a white pregnant woman's skirt inside. The bright red blood soaked her white clothes in an instant

Zhai Lingfeng's pupil shrinks when he sees it!

At this time, he Yutong also saw the blood. Her inner fear and panic made her firmly grasp Zhai Lingfeng's arm, "please, take me to the hospital... Save my child..."

"OK, Tong Tong, don't be afraid. I'll take you to the hospital now!"

Although Zhai Lingfeng didn't want he Yutong to give birth to Gu Jinyan's child, at this moment, he couldn't watch her and her child have an accident!


When Qiao Siyu learned that he Yutong had an accident and entered the operating room, he immediately rushed from the inpatient department to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Zhai Lingfeng was alone in the operating room. He was sitting in a chair, holding his head in his hands and his fingers tightly inserted in his hair.

"Zhai Lingfeng, what's the situation with Yutong now? What happened?"

The person who called Qiao Siyu was Zhai Lingfeng. After pushing he Yutong into the operating room, he didn't know what to do. He was very flustered and afraid that he Yutong would die, so he called Qiao Siyu in a hurry.

"Tong Tong is still in the operating room... It's me... It's all my fault... I didn't catch her in time..."


At this time, Gu Jinyan, who had just got off the operating table, was sweating and ran over with a pale face.

"Cousin Jinyan..."

Gu Jinyan had no time to take into account Qiao Siyu. He just glanced coldly at Zhai Lingfeng and rushed into the operating room!

No one dares to stop, and no one will stop!

Gu Jinyan had undergone large and small operations, but when he Yutong was lying on the operating bed covered with blood, his fundus was only scarlet.

"Doctor Gu..."

Obstetrics and Gynecology all know that he Yutong is Gu Jinyan's wife, so they gave him a worried look.

"Dr. Li, you are the first leader in obstetrics and gynecology. Please make sure my wife and children are safe."

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