"Wait, be safe. You and sweety should come back safely!"

"Of course, my wife will give it to you first!"

When he hung up the phone, Li mochuan took a heavy breath, then his eyes were cold and accelerated the accelerator and speed.

When he arrived at fengyeshan cemetery, Li mochuan went directly to Jin Zichen's tombstone.

From a distance, he heard sweety's heart rending cry. It seemed that she had been crying for a long time, her voice was a little hoarse, and accompanied by bursts of coughing. Li mochuan was distressed, and her dark black eyes were getting colder and colder

But at this time, several people in black rushed to surround Li mochuan.

Li mochuan glanced coldly at the crowd and then raised his hands.

A man in black walked over and touched Li mochuan up and down. He was looking for whether Li mochuan had anything dangerous, such as knives, guns and so on, but Li mochuan blacked his face all the way.

It's the first time he's been touched by a man like this. It's good

After a series of inspections, those talents released Li mochuan.

Seeing that Li mochuan was really alone, Jin Zitong smiled coldly, squatted down and said evil to the crying sweety: "don't cry, your father is coming, and I'll reunite your father and daughter in a moment..."

Sweety reached out and wiped her tears. When she saw Li mochuan, she cried even more, "Dad... I'm here..."

Li mochuan didn't even look at Jin Zitong, but smiled at sweety and comforted in a soft voice: "sweety, don't be afraid, dad will take you home now..."

"Dad... Dad..."

Sweety wanted to run to Li mochuan, but she was grabbed by a man in black beside Jin Zitong. The next second, Jin Zitong pointed the gun at sweety's head, and then said coldly to Li mochuan, "stop there... Otherwise I'll let your daughter go to hell first!"

Li mochuan stopped, turned his head and looked at the smiling Jin Zichen on the tombstone. His beautiful eyebrows wrinkled tightly and said faintly to Jin Zitong: "Jin Zitong, the person you hate is me, and the object of revenge is me. I have arrived, and I want to kill or cut you. But sweety is innocent. She is just a four-year-old child. She doesn't know anything. Please let her go first!"

"Ha ha..." Jin Zitong laughed wildly, "please? Ha ha... Li mochuan, I didn't expect you would say the word 'please' to me in your lifetime! But what to do? I don't want to let go of either you or your daughter today... But if your performance satisfies me, I can consider letting go of your daughter!"

"OK... What can I do to satisfy you?"

Jin Zitong pointed to Jin Zichen's tombstone with a gun, "see? Under this tombstone is my brother's ashes. He was killed by you and Qiao Siyu. You kneel on the ground and knock his head three times. I'll consider lowering it and don't let your daughter go!"

Li mochuan's eyes were slightly cold. "Consider?" the implication was that Jin Zitong might repent at any time?

"Of course, Li mochuan, now you are no longer qualified to talk to me about conditions. I said consider that your daughter has a 50% chance of living. If you don't do what I said, your daughter will die! Ha ha... What? Can't your daughter's life compare with your noble self-esteem?"

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