"Really?" Duan Xiaonan sneered, "Jin Zichen, my chess game is only the last step. Guess what?"

Before Jin Zichen spoke, Duan Xiaonan continued: "I don't think you can guess, so I don't want to waste time for you to guess. I'd better tell you directly..."

Suddenly, Duan Xiaonan's ferocious face approached the camera, "the last move is your death!"

Jin Zichen was cold at the bottom of his heart, "what did you say?"

"I said I want you to die... Li mochuan has just left. If you die, the murderer is Li mochuan, and I have made a series of plans, waiting for Li mochuan to take the bait!"

"So you kindly asked me to help you manage the company's affairs. Are you using me?"

"Of course, otherwise, how can you hate Li mochuan to the bone? To tell you the truth, Li mochuan's suppression of Tengda group is not against you, but against me. Because Li mochuan already knows what I did to Xiaoyu at the beginning, he is avenging Xiaoyu. Happily, you always think he wants to kill you, ha ha..."

Duan Xiaonan laughed wildly, "let me tell you, Li mochuan didn't want to deal with you after you came out of prison. This is Li mochuan's weakness, so he will only lose to me..."

Jin Zichen didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this. He clenched his fist and took a wary look. One hand quietly extended to the mobile phone.

Suddenly, his heart suddenly pulled out and the pain came. His hand to get his mobile phone tightly covered his chest.

At this time, Lenglie took out the needle. When he was ready to start, Duan Xiaonan suddenly made a sound, "Lenglie, wait..."

Lenglie put away the needle and looked at Duan Xiaonan, but heard Duan Xiaonan say, "don't worry, I still have a secret I haven't told President Jin!"

Jin Zichen stared at Duan Xiaonan with red eyes. He reached out to press the emergency bell and wanted to call for help, but at the moment he couldn't make any sound and his hand was shaking

"Do you know that Li mochuan has a little green plum named Fang Yehan? Her brother was killed by someone sent by your mother. To be exact, her brother died to save Li mochuan. She loved Li mochuan so much that she was crazy. In fact, the shot in your chest was not fired by Li mochuan, but by Fang Yehan... First, she wanted to avenge her brother, Second, I want you to hate Li mochuan even more, and also let Qiao Siyu think Li mochuan is a murderous devil... "

At this time, Jin Zichen has collapsed on the bed. His heart beats fast and he has no strength. He can only stare at Duan Xiaonan with a pair of scarlet eyes. He is unwilling and angry. He wants to kill the man on the screen

Seeing Jin Zichen's appearance, Duan Xiaonan smiled even happier, "The key is that I have cooperated with Fang Yehan. Right away, Fang Yehan will ask Li mochuan to visit her in the United States on the ground that she can't live for three days. I think Li mochuan will certainly go to see Fang Yehan and won't tell Xiaoyu. And when you die at this time, Li mochuan is not only a murderer, but also a heartless man who deceives Xiaoyu and betrays Xiaoyu..."

After drinking the red wine in the glass, Duan Xiaonan laughed wildly: "In order to avenge the Jin family, Li mochuan approached Xiaoyu. Now the Jin family has collapsed. He went back to find his xiaoqingmei and married xiaoqingmei. In addition, with your death, do you think Xiaoyu will forgive Li mochuan? No... she will hate, she will hate Li mochuan. At that time, Xiaoyu will be mine alone, ha ha..."

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