Time was too fast, Qian Yiming was killed before he could escape, and Li mochuan was almost fainted by the strong air flow.

Fortunately, he fell into the water. The cold touch made him sober again. He tried to go upstream and slide up. He knew that Qiao Siyu was still waiting for him to save, and Qian Yiming's Revenge couldn't be ignored, so he couldn't die

But he was shot twice, lost too much blood, and his strength gradually decreased. He looked a little weak.

He can't give up. When the car explodes, Wang Guojun must get the news and come here soon, so he wants to save his life at the moment when Wang Guojun comes.

But his eyes were getting more and more beautiful. He felt his body sinking all the time, but his limbs had no strength at all.

At the moment of death, Li mochuan's mind was full of Josie and sweety

His acquaintance and love with Josie language, their experiences together, and their baby daughter

If he dies like this, Li mochuan is very unwilling. He hasn't killed Duan Xiaonan himself, told sweety that he is her biological father, and hasn't lived together with Qiao Siyu.

Consciousness gradually disappeared, and finally Li mochuan closed his eyes

After about three minutes, Gu Qingtian found Li mochuan.

At that time, Li mochuan did not breathe and his heart stopped beating.

So when the doctor examined, he announced his death directly.

But Gu Qingtian didn't believe that Li mochuan died like this and ordered the doctor to put on an oxygen respirator for him.

In fact, Gu Qingtian was also flustered at that time. The doctors decided that Li mochuan was dead. Even if he didn't believe it, what could he do? So he called Gu Jinyan, but the oxygen respirator on Li mochuan's mouth didn't come down.

When the car bumped, a little river flowed out of Li mochuan's mouth, but no one found it at that time.

After that, the ambulance stopped at the door of the hospital. Qiao Siyu beat and shook Li mochuan's body. Finally, Li mochuan came alive

Later, Gu Jinyan said that Li mochuan was judged to be faking death at that time. Although he didn't breathe, he couldn't be said to be dead. Thanks to the oxygen respirator and the fierce beating of Qiao Siyu, Li mochuan survived. Otherwise, he would really die in a moment of ink.


After listening to Li mochuan's words, Qiao Siyu had tears on his face, "husband, Xiaoqian sacrificed himself to save you. You must live well."

Thinking of Qian Yiming, Qiao Siyu had only a silly boy in his mind. He was honest and honest. He was very pure when he smiled. He would blush when talking about falling in love. He was such a good boy, but he died so miserable in the end.

Li mochuan reached out to wipe the tears on Qiao Siyu's face and said firmly, "I will live well and I will avenge Qian Yiming!"

Josie sniffed, "I didn't expect that the section of Xiao Nan was so ruthless. He not only installed a bomb in your car, but he wanted to kill me and die with me! Do you know that he caught AIDS, was infected by Chu cocoa, and Chu cocoa was killed by him too. He knew he was alive and wanted to pull me to death with him. Fortunately, my brother arrived in time, otherwise I would have died in his hands."

After a pause, Qiao Siyu continued: "I didn't think that Duan Xiaonan was the murderer who killed Zichen. He planned so much to let me return to him. Moreover, the person who took me and hypnotized Wei Anfu five years ago was whether he was cold. He admitted to me himself. How could he change his state!"

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