Blood, there is a piece of scarlet blood in front of me.

Those gangsters fell under the police's guns one by one. Those people should have died, but such a fresh life suddenly stopped, which had a great impact on Joe Xi'er, who had never seen the killing.

I don't know how long it took. The gunfight was finally over.

Qiao Xi'er saw the bodies of two gangsters lying across Duan Xiaonan's body. She thought of taking Duan Xiaonan away, but when she stood up, she fainted and fainted directly.

The police cleared the field and left. No one saw Joe's mat lying in the bushes.

Gu Qingtian was originally looking for Li mochuan, but it was too late to get to the woods.

He checked the surrounding environment. The blood and cartridge cases on the ground, trees and dead branches were also stained with a lot of blood. It was not difficult to see that a fierce battle had taken place here not long ago.

Is Duan Xiaonan dead?

Gu Qingtian frowned. As soon as he wanted to call Wang Guojun, Wang Guojun called first.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Li has returned safely."

Hearing the happy voice of the king, Gu Qingtian was relieved and very uneasy, "is he hurt?"

"A little injury won't get in the way."

"That Xiaonan..."

"President Li locked himself and his wife in the ward as soon as he came back. I don't know the specific situation."

"Well, I see..."

Hang up the phone, Gu Qingtian's eyebrows are more wrinkled. The purpose of Li mochuan's trip is to avenge Duan Xiaonan. Now Li mochuan is okay, which means Duan Xiaonan may have hung up

Just thinking, Gu Qingtian's mobile phone rang again. Seeing that it was the home phone, Gu Qingtian was more and more uneasy, and immediately connected the phone, "what's the matter?"

"Mr. Gu, Miss Xi'er is gone."

"What!? what is she missing?"

"I... I'm not sure. After lunch, she said she wanted to take a nap and asked me not to disturb her... At more than four o'clock in the afternoon, I thought she wanted to wake her up before she got up, but she was no longer in the bedroom..."

"Have you called her?"

"Yes, but no one answered."

Gu Qingtian cursed, "OK, I know..."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingtian dialed Qiao Xier's phone, which rang for a long time and no one answered.

Gu Qingtian was worried and wanted to leave the forest to find Qiao Xier, but at this time, the mobile phone in Qiao Xier's pocket suddenly fell on the ground covered with dead leaves because of vibration.

The friction between the mobile phone and the vibration and the dead leaves sounded a subtle sound.

Gu Qingtian wanted to leave because the sound stopped.

No one answered, the phone hung up automatically, and the sound disappeared.

Gu Qingtian dialed the phone again, and the voice rang again.

His heart was pounding, and Gu Qing walked over from the source of his voice

When he saw a familiar back lying on the ground, the whole man ran anxiously.

That's josel. He knows that he can recognize her just by her back

What's more, he helped her wear her clothes this morning!

Several strides rushed over. When he saw Qiao Xi'er's pale face and covered with blood, Gu Qingtian's heart shrank, immediately picked her up and rushed to the hospital.

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