When I left, I took three steps and turned back, but I couldn't get Josie's retention.

Qiao Siyu could not help laughing and was happy for the loyalty of the king to Li mochuan.

After that, under the careful care of the doctor and Qiao Siyu, Li mochuan recovered and was finally able to leave the hospital.

Fortunately, he Yutong also went out of the hospital on the same day.

In order to celebrate this special day, Gu Qingming specially asked someone to set up several tables in the imperial dining room.

At that time, all the people of the Gu family and the Zhan family went, except for a Qiao Xi'er.

Seeing Gu Qingtian's tired face, Qiao Siyu bit his lip, "brother, Xi'er, she..."

"Don't worry, she just hasn't put it down. She'll be fine soon..."

Josie nodded. He had a lot to say, but suddenly he couldn't say it.

Everyone knows the relationship between Duan Xiaonan and Qiao Xier. He didn't say anything about Qiao Xier's absence, but Gu Qingming didn't look very good when he mentioned Qiao Xier, but he didn't say anything in the end.

There are Yangzi and Yueer at home, so the adults keep teasing the children. Suddenly, they don't know who mentioned whether sweety should take a Chinese name. In order to prevent Gu Qingming from taking sweety's surname Gu on his own, Li mochuan had better start first.

"Sweety's name has been discussed with Sisi. It's called Li Banxia!"

Josie was embarrassed. When did he discuss sweety's name with her!

"Why Pinellia ternata?"

"Pinellia ternata is the name of a traditional Chinese medicine. It can dry dampness and dissipate phlegm, reduce stress and stop vomiting, eliminate ruffian and loose knot..."

Named Pinellia ternata, I just want sweety to go with the wind and water in the future and dissipate all the stagnant Qi

Qiao Siyu was embarrassed. Why did her daughter choose a name for traditional Chinese medicine, but this name obviously suits Gu Qingming's appetite, "good, good name, ha ha, it's Pinellia ternata!"

As soon as the old man spoke, the name was decided.

After dinner, he Yutong held it in the ward for more than a month and wanted to go crazy, so he took Qiao Siyu.

Gu Jinyan and Li mochuan were naturally worried, so their wife followed.

Gu Qingtian left before dinner. Qiao Xier was at home alone. He was very worried.

In this way, all the people parted ways.

He Yutong thought there were fewer than four people and pulled Emily. When Emily came, Aaron also came.

Aaron came forward to give Qiao Siyu a polite hug as soon as he saw Qiao Siyu, but he was stopped by Li mochuan, "go away!"

"Ah ah... Don't be so stingy. I just want to say hello to miss Qiao!"

Josie said with a dry smile, "don't bother so much, just shake hands!"

As he spoke, Qiao Siyu stretched out his hand, but before Aaron touched her hand, Qiao Siyu was tightened in his arms by Li mochuan, "wife, for my husband is here, is it fair for you to let other men touch your hand?"

"Chinese men are really the cheapest men in the world!"

Emily, who has always been calm and gentle, sneered, "that's... How can it be comparable to your kind big nose!"

"Oh... Wronged, baby, you are the only one in my heart..."

"Hum... How many people in your heart are none of my business!"

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