Li mochuan took Qiao Siyu's hand and kissed it on his lips as if there were no one else. "He just met an acquaintance he hadn't seen for a long time. He asked me for help. I went out for a while. Unexpectedly, the mobile phone was picked by a pickpocket on the way..."

Because there was nothing unusual on Li mochuan's face, Qiao Siyu didn't doubt it.

Just a little surprised, "which thief is so bold that he dares to steal your mobile phone? And you haven't found it yet?"

"Wife, you are the top scholar. Besides, it's almost the new year, and other thieves are going to celebrate the new year..."

Josie's eyes twitched slightly, "I saw you so generous for the first time..."

Li mochuan pulled Qiao Siyu to the balcony and bit her earlobe. "In your eyes, I'm very stingy?"

Qiao Siyu pushed Li mochuan with a red face, "someone..."

"My wife and I are intimate and don't break the law. What about someone?"

"Well, well, my husband doesn't pull. It's a pity that you didn't hear the gentle piano today... I tell you, that gentle heart is not only beautiful, but also first-class in playing the piano, she..."

Li mochuan looked at the chattering Qiao Siyu and felt a pain in his heart. He held her tightly in his arms. "Wife, if you boast so much in front of your husband, isn't a woman afraid to empathize for her husband?"

"Hum, you dare... If you dare to empathize, I'll break your leg!"

Li mochuan didn't say anything, but he held Qiao Siyu tighter.

After the banquet, Qiao Siyu and Li mochuan left first with sweety.

When she came to the door, sweety suddenly cried out in surprise, "look, mom and Dad, that sister is the sister who just played the piano. She looks so beautiful!"

Li mochuan took a subconscious look and smiled at him when the other party saw her.

Li mochuan frowned, but when he saw the driver beside the woman, he knew it and nodded to the other party.

"Ah... The sister looked at us and smiled. She was more beautiful when she smiled."

Qiao Siyu couldn't help but praise, "there are beautiful women in Jingteng. Once you look at the city, then look at the country!"

Li mochuan looked at the appearance of a small two women, a flower crazy woman, and smiled, "let's go."

"Well, go home..."

In the evening, after Qiao Siyu bathed sweety, Li mochuan and Qiao Siyu told sweety a bedtime story together.

The warm scene made Li mochuan feel very uncomfortable.

"Sweety, you are five years old. No matter what happens in the future, you must be strong, you know?"

"I know, Dad, I will be very strong! Just..."

Sweety said, lowering her head silently.

"What's the matter?"

"Dad, brother Tianqi is a bad man. When I was caught by a bad woman that day, he didn't save me and wanted me to die..."

Hearing the speech, Qiao Siyu and Li mochuan looked at each other and frowned slightly.

Qiao Siyu and Li mochuan already knew about that time.

Jin Zitong used Jin Tianqi to take sweety away, but now Jin Zitong has reformed. Tianqi also took Jin Yuandong to the cemetery after realizing her mistake that day, so neither Qiao Siyu nor Li mochuan want sweety to hate them.

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