Patronizing the villa, Qiao Siyu really forgot that the real purpose of coming here was treatment. She put away her mobile phone and took a deep breath. She slowly stepped up the stairs. Even the stairs were paved with pure hand-made carpets. Stepping on a pile of money, she had to sigh that she had to live for a long time!

Josie is still a little nervous about falling in love with a stranger, but she can't care so much about her future happiness.

When he knocked on the door, he heard someone in the room say, "come in." then Josie slowly pushed the door open.

The room seems to have been specially decorated. It's not dark tomorrow, but it's dark in the room. Through the light in the corridor, you can vaguely see a slender figure standing. Although you don't know what he looks like, it's certainly not bad from the perspective of his figure.

"Come in, close the door!"

The gentle voice made Qiao Siyu's nervous heart relax a little. She went into the house and closed the door, but as soon as the door was closed, nothing could be seen in the house.

Qiao Siyu didn't dare to move. Afraid of meeting something, he stood in place and began to say hello awkwardly, "Hello, I'm your partner in cooperative treatment..."

"Can you dance?"

"Ah?" Qiao Siyu didn't expect that his first sentence was to ask her if she could dance. He was really stunned. After reacting, he replied nervously, "yes... A little."

Jos studied French translation. The Department opened an elective dance class for the translation class. She signed up, but she didn't dance for more than two years. She didn't know whether she would hold or not.

"Give me your hand..."

"Oh..." Qiao Siyu couldn't see where he was, so she stretched out her hand according to the source of his voice. The next second, her hand was held by a warm palm, and there was another hand on her waist

At the same time, soothing and soft music sounded in the room.

Just when Josie was stiff and at a loss, a gentle voice sounded in her ear, "relax, don't be nervous, just take it as your favorite person and follow your feelings..."

His voice was like the spring of the mountain stream, which made the nervous nerves of Qiao Si gradually relaxed. The two people were too close. She could smell the perfume of his body. If she remembered correctly, it should be the latest series of Cologne.

Without dancing for more than two years, Josie was a little rusty. He began to make mistakes without dancing a few times. His feet in heels always stepped on each other's insteps. In an instant, Josie was a little embarrassed, "well... Let's stop dancing..."

"It doesn't matter. At least one song should be finished when we meet for the first time."

People don't mind being trampled on, especially Josie. She's really not so nervous if she just dances.

In the process of dancing, the two never spoke. Josie felt a little embarrassed, so he broke the silence. "Listen to Dr. mu, you hate women very much. Will you feel uncomfortable or disgusted dancing with me?"

"OK, acceptable!" Li mochuan said, but he was already happy. This was the first dance between him and Qiao Siyu. Although it was not very beautiful, he liked it very much.

"Oh, that's good..." Qiao Siyu had no doubt at all. She thought that his situation might be a bit like her. She couldn't do that when she faced Jin Zichen, and he would hate women when he faced his fiancee. Maybe it would be better to change someone.

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