His hands clenched into fists. The green tendons on Li mochuan's hands burst out because of anger. He took a few puffs of cigarettes, snuffed out the cigarette butts and threw them out of the trash can. He came to Qiao Siyu and sat down, "madam, can I hold you?"

Listening to their favorite name during the treatment, Qiao Siyu's face turned red instantly, but he heard the fragility in his tone. Qiao Siyu nodded without thinking. In the twinkling of an eye, he thought it was in the dark. When he couldn't see her nodding, he opened his mouth, "hold it..."

As soon as the voice fell, he held the whole person tightly in his arms. Qiao Siyu was a little ashamed. Should he move so fast

"The gossip in the village not only didn't disappear gradually because of the passage of time, but also because the girl's belly grew bigger and older. The girl's father was a good face man. In a rage, he gave the girl two choices. First, he killed the child and forgot the young master to marry again. Of course, the girl's scandal is well known in small villages. She just killed the child A newly married person can only marry a second married man or a fool, such as a disabled person. Second, break the father daughter relationship. At that time, the girl was reluctant to give up her children and always believed that the young master would come back and marry her. Although she was reluctant to give up her parents, she chose the second way and separated from her family for the sake of her so-called love and the man. After being driven out of the house, the girl had nowhere to go When I went, I set foot on the road to the city to find the young master... "

After a pause, Li mochuan continued to speak again, "Heaven is worthy of those who have a heart. After the girl's painstaking inquiry, she finally found the young master's home, but she didn't expect that the young master was married and married the daughter of a rich man who was equal to the young master. The girl didn't give up. Once she broke into the young master's home directly, but was driven out by the young master's wife. She abused her and beat her. The girl asked Why did the young master lie to her? The young master said that she was just a tool he used to relieve loneliness. He warned her to kill the child quickly, or he would be blamed for not thinking about the old relationship. The girl left the young master's house disheartened, but she never thought that the young master would send someone to rape the girl. The girl ran out after hurting QJ's person for the child in her belly, but was stopped by a station because she was weak The young lady of the street was saved. Later, because of the young lady's help, the girl successfully gave birth to a child, but if she wanted to have a child, she had to raise him. The girl was a countryman. She didn't even go to high school and didn't have any skills, so she became a street girl with the young lady... "

Listening to his voice without waves, Josie's chest hurt badly for a moment, "don't... don't say it."

Li mochuan ignored her, but held her hand tightly, "The child grew up day by day. At first, the boy was very curious. Every day he watched his mother go out dressed up, and was helped home drunk by strange men. The next day, those men would leave... After he was sensible, he understood what different men came to do at home every day... The population in the alley was small, and everyone knew what his mother did People, many adults look down on them, and children will scold him as a wild species and his mother as a shameless woman... The boy began to hate women from this time. Later, the boy's mother realized that the boy was wrong and wanted to give him a stable life, so she made a bold decision and took the money she sold in recent years to take the boy out of the country... "

"The boy's mother thought everything would be better when she went abroad, but she never thought that the young master's wife knew that she had given birth to the young master's child, so she sent someone to kill the woman and his son. Finally, the woman was burned alive in the house in order to save his son. Afterwards, she said that the family electricity was unstable and died unexpectedly... The young master's wife saw that the boy was not dead and sent someone to look for him His whereabouts went to kill him. Finally, she did what she wanted... "

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