
Seeing Gu Qingtian talking to Cui Yingying so gently and indulgently, Qiao Xi'er's fingernails have pinched the palm of his hand.

He used to talk to her in this tone, but now things have changed.

When Gu Qingtian hugged Cui Yingying to leave, Cui Yingying seemed to have just seen Qiao Xi'er and exclaimed, "Xi'er, you... Why are you here?"

Joe Xi'er was still wearing a suit of work clothes that needed to be more violent and exposed. During her recent struggle, her clothes were not only broken, but also wrinkled badly. Her hair was messy and her face was ugly. The whole person looked as embarrassed as she wanted.

A woman doesn't want to show her most embarrassed side in front of her rival and her beloved man. Qiao Xier is no exception, "sorry, I have to go in advance."

He wanted to leave in a panic, but Qiao Xi'er forgot that he still had a wound on his foot, so he fell directly to the ground.


Cui Yingying wants to help Qiao Xi'er, but Gu Qingtian frowns and pulls her back to her arms, "don't go..."

"Optimus, Xi'er is injured. We can't sit back and ignore it!"

"I... I'm fine..."

Qiao Xi'er turned his head and wanted to bear it, but at the moment of turning his head, he saw that Gu Qingtian spoiled Cui Yingying's nose, "you are so kind... But people don't seem to appreciate it!"

Gu Qingtian's little action of scraping his nose aroused Qiao Xier's memory. He always liked to scrape her nose before. Several times she resisted that her nose was so small because he scraped it, but he seemed addicted. Every time he met, he either scraped his nose or kissed her for a long time. Originally, he thought that little action existed only between them, It turned out that he could do that to other women.

Josie, what are you sad about? You didn't want this man at the beginning! Now that he has a fiancee and is about to get married, what are you asking for?

Do your own thing. When that thing is done, you should leave Jingteng city

Cui Yingying chuckled and went to Qiao Xi'er to help her up. "Xi'er, you get up first..."

Qiao Xi'er knew that Cui Yingying had deliberately done it for Gu Qingtian, so he didn't say anything. After getting up, he pulled out a smile and smiled at Cui Yingying, "thank you..."

"Your clothes are broken. I'll accompany you to change your clothes first."

"No, I'll just go by myself..."

"I insist. You see, your feet are hurt. You can't do it yourself."

Joe Xi'er moved his mouth to say something, and finally nodded after receiving Gu Qingtian's sharp vision.

"Optimus, wait for me!"

"Well, come back quickly!"


The conversation between the two seemed as if Gu Qingtian was reluctant to let Cui Yingying leave his sight for a moment. Qiao Xi'er's heart was in a violent pain.

Watching the two women's backs disappear in the corridor, Gu Qingtian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Huang Fu on one side hummed and smiled, "one is your ex-wife and the other is the woman who is about to become your current wife. Don't worry about letting them stay together!"

Gu Qingtian frowned tightly, "Yingying won't hurt her!"

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