What has she experienced in the past two years!?

Qiao Xi'er vaguely felt that someone had been staring at her with hot eyes. She looked back after buying ribs, but behind her were strangers buying and selling vegetables.

Thinking he was too sensitive, josel bought another bottle of vinegar.

After buying all the ingredients, she walked to the bus stop with her things and waited for the bus.

Gu Qingtian looked at Qiao Xi'er's small and thin body from a distance, carrying two bags of heavy vegetables. Just as he wanted to walk over, the bus had already come.

He stepped back and watched her get on the bus.

He knew that if he showed up now, she would panic or avoid him.

Getting in the car, he drove to keep up with the bus.

Because it was the rush hour, there were more people on the bus. Gu Qingtian saw that Qiao Xier had a seat, but she later gave it to an old man, and she stood with two bags in one hand and one hand on the chair.

The car shook when moving forward or braking. She almost fell because of inertia. It seemed that she had hit someone else. She looked up and wrote an apology to them.

Gu Qingtian has never seen such a Qiao Xi'er. His hands tightly hold the keyboard, and his fingers are a little white.

Until watching Qiao Xier enter the house, Gu Qingtian parked his car in the open space not far from home and silently put on a cigarette.

Wife, what should I do with you?

After smoking for a long time and realizing that Qiao Xi'er had cooked dinner, Gu Qing drove home.

As soon as he parked his car in the garage and got off, he saw Joe Xi'er in an apron coming out with a smile, "come back!"

The bright smile on her face made Gu Qingtian shake his mind. The next second, he rushed directly and hugged her tightly.

Without saying anything, a hug can replace everything.

The familiar embrace and embrace made Josie's body stiff, and a trace of gloom flashed across her eyes, but then she patted him on the back and smiled, "I've made a lot of dishes you like. Come in and have a meal."


Gu Qingtian took Qiao Xi'er's hand and walked into the hall. Qiao Xi'er looked at their hands clasped with ten fingers, and there was a trace of pain at the bottom of his heart.

There are braised fish, spare ribs and corn soup, fried green vegetables and a cold cucumber on the table. The simple four dishes make Gu Qingtian red in the eyes.

Qiao Xi'er saw that Gu Qingtian didn't move, so he took him to sit in a chair, then put a bowl of rice in front of him, "try it."

Without saying a word, Gu Qingtian picked up his chopsticks and tasted each of the four dishes. Then he put down his chopsticks and looked at Qiao Xi'er faintly.

Joe Xi'er's scalp was numb when he saw it, and he laughed, "isn't it delicious?"

No, she tasted it one by one when it was cooked. It was several times better than her usual dishes!

"When did you learn to cook?"

Qiao Xi'er was stunned. He really didn't expect Gu Qingtian to ask this question, "I learned it in the past two years. Isn't it delicious?"

This is the second time Qiao Xi'er asked Gu Qingtian whether her meal was delicious. Seeing her expectation, Gu Qingtian smiled, "unexpectedly, Miss Qiao, who can't even cook noodles before, learned to cook. Should I tell the world about such a big thing?"

Hearing the irony in his words, Qiao Xi'er frowned and her small face turned pale in an instant. Then she angrily picked up the fish on the table and went to the kitchen, but Gu Qingtian grabbed her hand. "The fish is not for me? I'm not full. Where are you going?"

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