The more you think about it, the more you feel wronged, and the more you think about it, the more you feel sad. Joe Xi'er holds his knee and buries his head behind his knee, crying with depression and grief.

No... I can't cry. This is not the time to cry. She must keep him

Thinking of this, Qiao Xi'er hurried out without changing his shoes, but when he ran out of the gate, Gu Qingtian and his car had disappeared.

After gritting her teeth, Qiao Xier rushed to the side of the road. He must have gone to find Cui Yingying. If she took a taxi to catch up with her

As soon as he ran out of the villa, Qiao Xi'er's arm was strongly pulled, "where are you going?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Qiao Xi'er subconsciously turned his head and saw Gu Qingtian with a dark face.

When his nose was sour, Qiao Xi'er rushed into his arms regardless of Gu qingtianbing's cold and piercing eyes, "don't go, I won't let you go. I sincerely want you to stay, really..."

Gu Qingtian was stunned. The next second, he directly raised Qiao Xi'er's chin and kissed it fiercely.

Qiao Xi'er didn't expect Gu Qingtian to kiss himself in public. For fear of unnecessary trouble caused by being photographed by the news media or interested people and sent to the Internet, Qiao Xi'er reached out and gently pushed Gu Qingtian, "don't... There are many people here, let's... Go home first..."

As soon as the small words were exported, Gu Qing swallowed them deeply. He kissed her as if there were no one else, as if there were only two of them in the world.

"Gu Gu... Go back... Go home..."

Hearing the speech, Gu Qingtian let go of Qiao Xi'er, "OK, as you wish!"

Then Gu Qingtian picked up Qiao Xi'er and put her in the co pilot's seat.

As soon as he got home, Gu Qingtian put down his things and kissed Qiao Xi'er. His kiss was hot and domineering. Qiao Xi'er was a little overwhelmed. He kissed him dizzy and his head was a paste in an instant.

"Tell me, why did you leave me?"

Joe Xi'er didn't expect that he was still asking this question at this time, but she couldn't say a lot of things.


"What I want is not sorry!"

"Gu Gu, you're just my gold master. Why care about my past? As long as I'm still under you now, don't you?"

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