Qiao Xi'er and Cui Yuhao make an appointment to meet in a western restaurant. When Qiao Xi'er tidies up and reaches his destination, Cui Yuhao has arrived.

Speaking of, Cui Yuhao is already a man of twenty-five or six. He has long changed from a rich second-generation ruffian who smokes, drinks and fights to an elite in suits and shoes.

How time flies!

As soon as Cui Yuhao saw Qiao Xi'er, he immediately stood up and welcomed him. "Xi'er, you're finally here. I'm really afraid you won't come?"

Joe Xi'er laughed. She really didn't want to come, "you're not a beast and can't eat me. Why don't I come!"

"Yes, yes, yes, sit down, sit down."

Cui Yuhao gentlemanly opened the chair for Qiao Xier, waited for her to sit down, and then sat opposite her, "what would you like to eat?"

"I can do anything. Watch it."


Cui Yuhao ordered some signature dishes in the restaurant. Qiao Xier didn't know what to say when the dishes were served. Cui Yuhao was also a little nervous, so they didn't talk to each other.

Finally, Cui Yuhao broke the embarrassment and picked up the woman he secretly loved for the first time. He can't waste this opportunity in vain.

"How's the wound on your head? Does it still hurt?"

Yes, be sure to care about her first, and then slowly open the topic.

"It doesn't hurt for a long time. Thank you, master Cui, for your concern."

Cui Yuhao: "... We are classmates. Just call me ah Hao. Don't call me young master."

"This... Is not very good?"

"Very good, very good. You can't call me master Cui or Mr. Cui!"

Qiao Xi'er smiled again, "OK, but I think ah Hao is too close. We are not close enough to call each other a nickname, so I'd better call you Cui Yuhao!"

Cui Yuhao's face was a little stiff, but after thinking about it, Cui Yuhao was better than master Cui, so he nodded.

Soon, the order was served.

Cui Yuhao cut a top-level foie gras into pieces and handed it to Qiao Xier. "Try it. The foie gras in this house is very good."

"Thank you..."

The two were eating politely. Qiao Xi'er was absent-minded and could not eat. Cui Yuhao was in a good mood.

A meal was eaten in silence.

After dinner, Qiao Xi'er got up and wanted to leave, "thank you for lunch today. I should go back. Bye."

"Wait..." Cui Yuhao grabbed Qiao Xier's arm. He asked her out to meet today not just for dinner.

Looking at holding his slender hand, Qiao Xi'er frowned and got rid of Cui Yuhao without trace. "Is there anything else?"

"Xi'er, I haven't had time to apologize to you about kidnapping you that year. I'm sorry..."

Qiao Xi'er thought of the purpose of Cui Yuhao's kidnapping, her face was slightly stiff, but soon she smiled again, "it's all a matter of monkey years and horses. I've long forgotten it, and you don't have to take it to heart."

"No... I will never forget about you in my life!"

As soon as he said this, both of them were stiff.

Seeing Cui Yuhao's deep affection, Qiao Xi'er's heart sank, and a pair of beautiful eyebrows frowned tightly, "I'll go back first."

Cui Yuhao wanted to say something, but he was afraid to scare Qiao Xier. Finally, he clenched his fist and said nothing. He could only watch Qiao Xier escape from his eyes.

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