The girls turned pale with fear, while the others were shocked.

Cui Yuhao is actually defending Qiao Xier. That's the woman he hated most in the past. Moreover, Qiao Xier once robbed Gu Qingtian with Cui Yingying. That hatred should be greater!

Ignoring everyone's eyes, Cui Yuhao directly turned and chased out.

After walking out of the KTV gate, Qiao Xier's face was as ugly as it could be. Lin Xuaner, who always talked a lot, looked at Qiao Xier's cold face and couldn't help but open his mouth after struggling for a long time, "I said... What's the situation between you and Cui Yuhao?"

"Just classmates, nothing!"

"Just a classmate? You're kidding. When you were bullied by those women, Cui Yuhao obviously had worry and tension on his face. Didn't he hate you before? He always bullied you? Why did he suddenly change?"

Then Lin xuan'er seemed to think of it and said in surprise, "ah... I know. He's chasing you, isn't he?"

"How could..."


Qiao Xi'er was a little agitated. "Come on, come on, don't be. I haven't settled accounts with you yet. Didn't you say Cui Yuhao won't come to the classmate's meeting?"

"Er... Well... The monitor told me that he wouldn't come. Ah, ya, we were all cheated by the monitor! In other words, Cui Yuhao came. What are you so afraid of him for?" Lin Xuaner raised her eyebrows. "Tell me honestly whether Cui Yuhao likes you!"

"No! It's getting late. I'm going home. Help yourself..."

Seeing that Qiao Xi'er was leaving, Lin xuan'er grabbed her, "no, no, what are you excited about? We haven't seen each other for a long time. I'm not full when I eat in the imperial dining room. Let's have supper together later!"

"No appetite!"

"Xi'er beauty, please, can't I take you home after supper?"

Qiao Xi'er really didn't have much appetite, but when he thought that he would leave in a month, he didn't know when and when to see Lin xuan'er again, so he nodded and agreed, "well, I'll only have supper with you. After supper, we'll go our separate ways. I don't need you to send it."

"OK, deal! Then wait here for me for a while. I'll drive. I haven't eaten wonton in the wonton shop at the gate of our school for a long time."

"OK, you hurry up a little..."

When Lin Xuaner went to drive, Qiao Xier took out his mobile phone and called sister Chen.

"Sister Chen, it's me..."

"Xi'er, where have you been tonight? Why haven't you come back?"

"I met a classmate. I had a meal with her and talked for a while. Now we're going to have supper. I'll go back later."

"Well, well, be careful on the way!"

"Well... By the way, sister Chen, has Gu Qingtian gone home?"

"Not yet. I think I'm still working..."

"Well, I see. Bye..."

When he hung up the phone, Joe sighed heavily. Is he still working so late? Ah... The devil believes that he should be in Cui Yingying's gentle village at this time!

Just thinking, Qiao Xi'er's shoulder was suddenly patted, "Xi'er..."

Qiao Xi'er was surprised and subconsciously turned his head. When he saw that the person behind him was Cui Yuhao, a trace of panic flashed through his eyes.

Why did Cui Yuhao come out? Did he hear her ask sister Chen if Gu Qingtian went home?

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