When they parted ways, Jin Zichen held Qiao Siyu's hand. "Xiaoyu, you must wait for me today. No matter whether you win or lose, I have good news for you."

"OK... Call me when the result comes out."

"Well, I have plans for everything!"

When Qiao Siyu arrived at the company, Li mochuan had arrived. Because today was the bidding day, the whole company was filled with a tense atmosphere, and Qiao Siyu's heart was nervous.

Having made up his mind to ask for leave, Qiao Siyu went to Li mochuan's office as soon as he arrived at the company.

After knocking on the door three times, a deep familiar voice came from inside, "come in!"

Qiao Siyu pushed the door in and saw Li mochuan frowning. He didn't know what he was looking at. When he looked up to see her, the cold and piercing eyes cooled Qiao Siyu's back. In the twinkling of an eye, he recovered as usual, as if the cold eyes were her illusion.

After a deep breath, Qiao Siyu spoke nervously, "President Li, can I ask for leave at the bidding meeting today?"

In fact, Qiao Siyu is very tangled in participating in this bidding. Now she really doesn't want to go to the scene again. If Shunchang group wins, she doesn't want to see Jin Zichen lose. If Jin wins, she doesn't want to see that the efforts of so many people in Shunchang group are in vain.

Although the result of the matter will be faced sooner or later, she really doesn't want to go to the scene at this moment.

"Give me a reasonable reason!"

After biting his lip, joss replied faintly, "I don't want to see either side lose!"

"Oh..." Li mochuan sneered, "Josie, I didn't expect you to have the side of the virgin."

However, in the twinkling of an eye, Shunchang will win this bidding. If Qiao Siyu sees Jin Zichen lose at the scene, his heart will be worried about Jin Zichen. He doesn't want to see her around him, but his heart is on another man. Moreover, this is the war between Shunchang and Jin family, which doesn't want to make her uncomfortable.

Moreover, thinking of another thing, his deep eyes flashed slightly, so he nodded and agreed, "you can ask for leave, but your mobile phone must be turned on for 24 hours."

I didn't expect that it would be so easy to take a holiday. Qiao Siyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, "OK, thank you, President Li... I'll go out first."

"Wait..." Li mochuan got up and walked to Qiao Siyu step by step. "Today is the day of bidding. Give me a lucky kiss!"

Seeing that Qiao Siyu's face changed and wanted to refuse, Li mochuan said slowly: "just repay me for saving you and your sister in Longtoushan..."

Thinking of what happened on Longtou mountain, Qiao Siyu's face turned red. At that time, he also said to ask her to give him a lucky kiss. She refused and was forced to kiss by him. Now seeing his inevitable eyes, Qiao Siyu knew that even if she refused, he would get the kiss.

Thinking, she tiptoed to print a kiss on his right cheek, and then quickly fled the office.

Li mochuan reached out and touched the place kissed by Qiao Siyu, and his sexy thin lips slightly hooked

At 2:30 p.m., the bidding officially began. At the moment, Qiao Siyu was walking towards Jingteng University. Jin Zichen said that whether he won or lost, he wanted to see her at the first time and said he wanted to give her a surprise. Whether it was a surprise or not, Jingteng University was a place where the two met and fell in love. Qiao Siyu had nothing to do and didn't want to go home, so he thought of it

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