In fact, Gu Qingtian already knew about Cui Yingying's collusion with Tong Zhiyuan. After suspecting Cui Yingying, he installed a bug on Cui Yingying's mobile phone and heard all the fairy tales of her and Tong Zhiyuan.

When Cui Yingying said she wanted to find Gu Qingtian, Gu Qingtian didn't refuse, and deliberately let Cui Yingying see Zhuang Zhuang's ward. He just wanted to test whether Cui Yingying would do something to Zhuang Zhuang.

Gu Qingtian also knew that Cui Yingying had been to the ward during the day, but as soon as Cui Yingying left, he transferred Zhuang Zhuang to the ward on the 14th floor.

So Cui Yingying sent to kill the strong people, but Gu Qingtian didn't calculate that Cui Yingying would attack Qiao Xier, let alone that Tong Zhiyuan would take Qiao Xier and Cui Yuhao.

However, when he knew the grudge between Tong Zhiyuan and Duan Xiaonan, he expected that Tong Zhiyuan would not hurt Qiao Xier.

Because Tong Zhiyuan loves Duan Xiaonan

Typical love wants to kill sex, but Duan Xiaonan only loves Qiao Siyu. He coldly refuses Tong Zhiyuan and almost killed Tong Zhiyuan. Tong Zhiyuan has life to survive, but he hates Duan Xiaonan because of his love.

"Ha ha... It's always been me who was so stupid... I thought you had forgotten this woman who betrayed you and deceived you. Optimus, what's worse than Josie? I love you more than she does. Why don't you love me? Why..."

"There's no reason, just because she's Josie!"

If you can say a lot of reasons to love someone, it is not love.

Love is love. So far, I only love one person all year round for no reason.

"Would you love me if she died?"

Looking at the crazy Cui Yingying, Gu Qingtian's face suddenly became ugly and serious, "Cui Yingying, put down the gun."

"No... my hard won happiness was robbed by Qiao Xier. I'll kill her and kill her..."

Cui Yingying has become a little crazy. After she said that madly, she directly pulled the trigger. Gu Qingtian had no time to think. She hugged Qiao Xier tightly. The gunshot didn't sound because there were no bullets in the gun.

Tong Zhiyuan's goal this time is very clear. One is to test Gu Qingtian's love for Qiao Xier, but to give himself a shot, so he only prepared two bullets.

Although there was no bullet in the gun, Cui Yingying pulled the trigger. Gu Qingtian was angry, "Cui Yingying, you want to die..."

Gu Qingtian wanted to rush up, but Qiao Xi'er pulled him, "Gu Gu, don't..."

"Ha ha... Play with me, you all play with me..."

Qiao Xi'er saw that the hard work on Gu Qingtian's shoulder was still leaking out. He remembered the picture of him holding her tightly, "Gu Gu, let's go."


When they passed Cui Yingying, Qiao Xier's eyes flashed. She subconsciously turned her head and saw Cui Yingying take out a knife and insert it into her own chest. Before she could think, Qiao Xier grabbed the blade.

The pain came, but she had no time to take care of so much. She just clung to the blade and refused to let go.


Gu Qingtian saw that his heart was almost stopped beating, "let go, let go..."

At this time, Cui Yuhao also untied the rope on his feet. When he saw the blood flowing down from Qiao Xi'er's palm, he immediately rushed over, "Xi'er..."

Cui Yingying's face was shocked and unbelievable. She was desperate to commit suicide, but Qiao Xie

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