
"Did you hear me clearly? Get out of Jingteng city and roll as far as possible..."

Hung up the phone, tears of Qiao's words burst out, and thereafter, Gu's soft companion, who accompanied her to make complaints about the meal, was gone with her.

On the other side, Gu Xirou held the phone and cried. Although Qiao Siyu was scolding her, she knew she was for her good.

Li mochuan, who listened to all the conversations between Qiao Siyu and Gu Xirou, slightly raised his eyebrows. Qiao Siyu's answer was completely within his expectation. Sure enough, the little woman he loved was still a man with a knife mouth and a heart of tofu!

"Leave Jingteng city and don't do anything sorry for your conscience."

Gu Xirou looked at Li mochuan with tears in her eyes. "President Li, thank you..."

"Don't thank me. The person you should thank is Josie. If you really treat her as a friend, never appear in front of her from now on."

Gu Xirou sobbed and nodded. When Li mochuan left the private room, he asked eagerly, "President Li, you like small words, don't you?"

"I don't like it!"

"Then you..."

"I love her!" then Li mochuan walked out of the private room without looking back

How can he express his feelings for Josie with cheap love? At least he needs a little high-grade love!


When Qiao Siyu walked into Jin's house, the atmosphere in the house was not quite right. Wang Xiangling and Chu Keke could eat people when they looked at her. She knew it was all due to the exposure of her relationship with Jin Zichen.

When she left the Jin family in the morning, the newspapers and the media had not published it. Now her relationship with Jin Zichen has been stormy all over the city. How can the Jin family not know?

"Qiao Siyu, you are really unusual. You not only let Zichen disclose your relationship, but also went to work in Shunchang, Jin's competitor, without telling us. Why don't you go to heaven?"

Qiao Siyu was tired of dealing with it, so he said faintly, "Mom, what's the matter? You can ask him when Zichen comes. I'm very tired. I'll have a rest first."

"Look at you. You dare to talk to me like this as soon as you have an open relationship with Zichen. It's against you?"

"Mom, don't be angry..."

"I can't be angry, Qiao Siyu. Don't think you have an open relationship with Zichen. You are the young grandmother of the Jin family. I'll never admit you if I don't give birth to Zichen!"

Ignoring Wang Xiangling's angry abuse, Qiao Siyu went up to the second floor and buried himself in bed. He has never been more tired than now.

Xu was in high tension all day. Lying in bed, Josie soon went to sleep.

Vaguely aware that someone was holding her, Qiao Siyu woke up. He saw that the person holding her was not others, but Jin Zichen. He smiled and looked at her gently, "why don't you take a bath, take off your clothes and go to bed?"

The moment she saw Jin Zichen, all the things that happened during the day rushed into Qiao Siyu's mind. She didn't answer Jin Zichen's question and asked him instead, "Since you have received the Shunchang bid sent to you by my email long ago, why didn't you tell me? Why did you disclose our relationship at this juncture? Zichen, don't lie to me, I want to listen to the truth..."

Qiao Siyu's question made Jin Zichen's smiling face slightly stiff. In a moment, he returned to normal and gently stroked Qiao Siyu's messy hair on her forehead, "I wanted to give you a wedding and disclose our relationship. I wanted to do this on Grandpa's birthday, but Chu Keke suddenly stepped in and I had to postpone it under the pressure of my family and public opinion. Yesterday's bidding was very important to Jin Shi, and I wanted to disclose our relationship yesterday. If Jin Shi didn't win the bid, at least we would be happy Another happy event. If Jin wins the bid, it will be a double happiness for me and Jin. I'm glad we won the bid... "

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