Before he finished, Jin Zichen coldly interrupted, "go to TM's treatment. You have stopped me for two years with this excuse!"

"No... it's not an excuse! I'm really getting better, Zichen. Can you give me some more time?"

"No... Xiaoyu, I can't wait any longer..."


When Qiao Siyu ran out of Jin's house, it was already one o'clock in the morning. The night wind was blowing her body. She was surprised to realize what a stupid thing she had done. Just now, when Jin Zichen wanted to use her against her regardless of her wishes, she slapped Jin Zichen.

Then he escaped from the bedroom under Jin Zichen's unbelievable cold eyes.

She knew she shouldn't have beaten Jin Zichen. She knew she had done wrong, but she didn't dare to go back, for fear that Jin Zichen would be cruel again.

When she came out, she had no time to change her clothes. She was still wearing the pajama torn by Jin Zichen, but fortunately, she subconsciously took her mobile phone.

Afraid that he would attract gangsters like this, Qiao Siyu found a corner and squatted down to make a call to he Yutong. Unfortunately, he Yutong's mobile phone was turned off and looked for the mobile phone address book. Her friends were very few.

Suddenly, Qiao Siyu saw the phone of "partner" and thought of Jin Zichen's crazy behavior tonight. Qiao Siyu knew that her treatment could not wait any longer. She had to cure her disease as soon as possible, but she didn't know whether it would disturb him so late

Anyway, now she can't even protect herself. She can't think of others. Thinking, Qiao Siyu dialed the "partner" with a try attitude, but she didn't expect the other party to pick up at the first sound of the phone.

"What happened?

Joe Siyu was slightly stunned when he heard the urgent voice in his ear. Generally, it's not time to ask "what's the matter with me so late?" or "hello"? How could he say anything?

Without time to think more, Josie said nervously, "do you have time now? Can you treat it with me? I want to cure my disease as soon as possible..."

Qiao Siyu came out of Jin's house in such a hurry that he didn't bring any money with him except his mobile phone. He couldn't get a taxi, so he had to squat in a secret place and wait for the person sent by his "partner" to pick it up.

About twenty minutes later, a black car stopped nearby. Qiao Siyu didn't dare to go out at first. Later, he saw that the license plate number was consistent with the license plate number said by "partner".

"Hello... Is that the one from Jinxiuyuan who asked you to pick me up?"

"Yes, ma'am, please get in the car!"

"..." why don't you pinch the called lady? They just pretend to be in love, but they're not really together.

Obviously, this is not the time to tangle with these small problems. Qiao Siyu sat in the back seat under the respectful eyes of the driver, and the car soon drove away. Qiao Siyu pulled the broken pajamas and didn't notice a car following behind him

After receiving Qiao Siyu's call, Li mochuan sent someone to pick up Qiao Siyu, but he was still worried about her. He drove another car and came here. He saw that her pajamas were messy and broken, and her deep black eyes were full of biting cold

It's not difficult to guess. Jin Zichen must have forced her!


The car soon arrived at Jinxiuyuan. Qiao Siyu got off the bus and said "thank you" to the driver and walked into the villa. It seemed that it was specially to meet her. All the lights in the villa were on, which made Qiao Siyu a little relieved

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