Li mochuan's kindness to her is not that she can't see it, but she can't give him the same kindness. Therefore, when she heard that he wanted to consider marriage, she was a little relieved, but at the same time, it was accompanied by suffocating heartache.

Reaching out and touching her chest, she didn't know why it hurt all the time.

Qiao Siyu didn't go back to Jin's house, nor did she go to the villa where she and Jin Zichen lived after their marriage. Instead, she took a taxi and directly came to he Yutong's house.

He Yutong was not at home, but Qiao Siyu knew that her home key would be placed under the mat at the door. Sure enough, when he opened the mat, a silver key lay quietly under the mat.

Qiao Siyu opened the door and took a bath, then lay in bed and played with the computer.

I really want to express my feelings in the circle of friends at the moment, but I think Jin Zichen has her wechat, and she doesn't want to let him know her current status, so she applied for a microblog and named it "HAOSI silent language", which is the meaning of her name "Siyu". HAOSI silent language is to cultivate wisdom at leisure. When her mother named her, she hopes her to be a virtuous lady, A wise woman.

After registration, Qiao Siyu found that there was a silent word of Li mochuan in these four words. She immediately wanted to subconsciously change a nickname, but she thought that she was careless and used so many silent words, which was not exclusive to him. She didn't change it again.

Got a cartoon avatar and she posted a microblog.

"Love is not afraid to burn!"

Just after the hair, he Yutong dragged her tired body in and saw Qiao Siyu in bed. She was stunned at first, and then burst into a rude remark, "lying in the slot, you TM are really free. I want to marry a rich second generation and sit at home as a rich wife."

Then he dropped his bag and threw himself directly on Josie.

"It's killing me. Get up..."

"I can't afford it. I'm so tired that I need beauty's comfort urgently!"

"Who told you not to get married? It's been so many years. Have you been waiting for senior brother Lingfeng?"

"Don't TM mention that bastard's name to me. I'm angry. I don't want to get married, but I haven't met the right one yet. When I meet him, I will definitely marry him."

Qiao Siyu knows that he Yutong is duplicity and doesn't expose her.

In fact, he Yutong is three years older than Qiao Siyu. Although they are best friends, he Yutong has always taken care of Qiao Siyu like a big sister. When Qiao Siyu met he Yutong, it happened that he Yutong was lovelorn. At that time, Zhai Lingfeng, he Yutong's favorite man, threw him into the arms of the Lord of the American Empire after leaving him.

For this reason, he Yutong hates Zhai Lingfeng, but Qiao Siyu knows how much he loves a person and how much he hates him. He Yutong hasn't been married. It's not that he can't meet the right person, but that person is not Zhai Lingfeng.

He Yutong is twenty-six this year. Although he is not big, he is not small. Qiao Siyu saw that she blew her hair when she mentioned Zhai Lingfeng, so he thought of an idea for her, "don't you have that kind of special dating program on your TV station? Some men above seem very good. Why don't you consider it?"

He Yutong didn't know what he was thinking. His dark eyes turned around, then he picked his eyebrows and scraped Qiao Siyu's small chin. "My Xiaoyu has an idea. I'll go to the back door another day... By the way, aren't you busy fighting Xiaosan recently? Why are you here when you have time?"

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