"Sister, mom, Dad, where are you all?"

Hearing Qiao Xi'er's voice, Qiao Siyu was delighted and immediately shouted, "Xi'er, I'm here..."

Looking at Qiao Siyu's expression, the man suddenly sneered. After returning his mobile phone to Qiao Siyu, he reached out and touched her head, but she dodged.

Shanshan took back his hand, and he said lightly: "don't worry, today is Xi'er's 18th birthday. I won't do anything to you. Don't make a look like I raped you. Let her think I bullied you. Clean up. Her classmate is coming today. As a sister, don't lose face for her..."

With that, he went out of Qiao Siyu's room directly. The door opened. When Qiao Xi'er saw Duan Xiaonan, his face was slightly one side. He subconsciously looked at Qiao Siyu's room. He was a little relieved when he saw that Qiao Siyu was unharmed, but his face was a little ugly.

"Brother... You... Didn't you say you were too busy to come back?

Duan Xiaonan touched Qiao Xi'er's head and spoiled her with a smile. "Why? Don't you like my surprise?"

"Ha ha... Hi... I like it."

At this time, Qiao Siyu came out of the room after finishing. From the words of Qiao Xier and Duan Xiaonan, she heard that Qiao Xier didn't know about Duan Xiaonan's return at all. In this way, he even cheated Xi'er.

"Wow, Xi'er, your brother and sister-in-law are handsome and beautiful. What a talented woman!"

"What are you talking about?" Qiao Xi'er was a little angry. "This is my brother Duan Xiaonan. This is my sister Qiao Siyu. They are brothers and sisters!!!"

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood. It's just that your brother and you don't have the same last name?"

Qiao Xi'er and Qiao Siyu's faces were ugly. As soon as Qiao Xi'er wanted to explain, Duan Xiaonan's gentle voice came out first, "we are reorganizing our family."

Just at this time, Qiao Shengkai and Du Yuelan also came back. They didn't seem to expect Duan Xiaonan to come back. Du Yuelan was overjoyed and immediately took Duan Xiaonan to ask for warmth. Qiao Shengkai went to Qiao Siyu and gave her a warning look, and then whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "Give me some peace. Now that you are married, Xiaonan has come back with great difficulty. Don't make any more moths... Today is Xi'er's gift. Don't keep a straight face. When his son comes, don't let him see anything. Otherwise, you'll lose the position of Jin's young grandmother. You'll look good."

Josie's heart is desolate. His own father would rather believe a person who tries to invade his daughter than believe her!!!

The banquet began. Qiao Siyu didn't wait for Jin Zichen to arrive. When he called, the bell rang for a long time, and no one answered. He felt a hot and controlling look following him all the time. Qiao Siyu's heart never came down.

Seeing the time getting late, Josie became more and more frightened. He waited for Josie to blow out the birthday candles and gave her the gift, "Xi'er, congratulations on your adulthood."


Seeing Qiao Xi'er's worry, Qiao Siyu smiled and shook his head, then leaned over in her ear and whispered, "I'm fine. You don't have to worry, but I can only accompany you here. Don't blame me. When you finish the college entrance examination, your sister will make up for your birthday."

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