Qiao Siyu's eyes were dark. For a moment, she really thought she would die in Jin Zichen's hand, but the next second, Jin Zichen suddenly released the hand pinching her neck

"I'll never divorce you, you'll die!" then he bowed his head and kissed Josie

Qiao Siyu noticed Jin Zichen's intention. His face changed and he struggled hard. But Jin Zichen, who was angry, had only one idea. The woman he had been reluctant to touch could accept other men, so he didn't have to pity her anymore!

Under Jin Zichen's strong force, the clothes were torn in an instant. Qiao Siyu's eyes were deeply afraid and scared, and his body became stiff in an instant. Her unworthiness seemed to annoy him, and he stretched out his hand and slapped her in the face.

"I'm your husband. Now I'll make you travel and husband and wife duty!"

"Let go of me!"

"Haven't you been having sex with other men? Why did you start pretending to be a chaste martyr when you came to me?"

The insulting words suddenly stopped Qiao Siyu's struggle. He just looked at Jin Zichen in a rage with tears in his eyes and said faintly: "if you think you have to go to me to agree to divorce, come on, I promise not to resist!

"You!" Jin Zichen stretched out his hand to hit Qiao Siyu. When he saw her tears, he clenched his hand into a fist

Why provoke him, why!?

"You fight, you'd better kill me, or I'll be divorced!"

"No, no, you can't divorce. I won't let you do what you want!" Jin Zichen rushed out of the house after yelling angrily. He was afraid that if he didn't go again, he would kill her out of control!

After a big fight, Qiao Siyu sat down on the sofa exhausted and cried. She didn't expect such an outcome. She thought it was just Jin Zichen's intention to mention divorce. He would happily agree to divorce, or even if he didn't agree, the two people would always divorce peacefully after slowly discussing. Now it seems that things have developed to the worst situation.

He couldn't live here and couldn't go to Qiao's house. Qiao Siyu cleaned up again and took her luggage to he Yutong's house. He Yutong was not at home. She took the key to open the door and buried herself in the quilt.

I've never been so tired, but now that I've summoned up the courage to mention divorce, I should move on and never retreat.

Just then, the doorbell suddenly rang. Qiao Siyu thought that he Yutong couldn't have known that the key was under the blanket. He thought it was Jin Zichen, so he ignored it. Sure enough, the doorbell rang for a while and then stopped.

In a daze, Qiao Siyu fell asleep in bed. I don't know how long she slept. A "buzzing" sound woke Qiao Siyu. She opened her eyes and looked. The sound seemed to come from the window.

Get up, put on your slippers and go to the window. There is a helicopter hanging in the air!

Strange, where did the helicopter come from? Just wondering, a familiar handsome face suddenly appeared outside the glass window!

Qiao Siyu looked incredulously at Li mochuan hanging in the air. He thought he was wrong and rubbed his eyes. Sure enough, it was him

At the moment, his clothes are flying and his hair is flying with the wind. He looks like a handsome star who plays a century blockbuster. The whole person exudes a soul stirring charm. His heart jumps uncontrollably. Qiao Siyu looks at him like a flower maniac and has no response.

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