"The truth?" Li mochuan thought thoughtfully, and then said faintly: "if one day you have nothing, what will you do?"

As soon as he said this, let alone Qiao Siyu, even Jin Zichen was stunned. He had made the worst plan, that is, Li mochuan would ask him some obscure topics to make a fool of himself in front of Qiao Siyu, but he didn't expect him to ask such a serious question.

Seeing that Jin Zichen didn't answer at the first time, Li mochuan chuckled, "why? President Jin never thought about this question?"

In Jin Zichen's life, losing Qiao Siyu had nothing for him, but he vaguely felt that what Li mochuan said did not only refer to Qiao Siyu. After thinking about it, he slowly opened his mouth, "get up from where you fall."

Even in Josie's case, he will try his best to save her and never give up.

Jin Zichen's answer drew a round of applause. Li mochuan just smiled quietly and didn't say anything more.

After this session, Qiao Siyu couldn't sit down anyway. She pretended to be uncomfortable and leaned against Li mochuan's arms and said painfully, "my head hurts and my stomach is uncomfortable. Shall we go home?"

Knowing that she might be pretending, Li mochuan's heart softened when he heard her waxy voice. Seeing that Jin Zichen's eyes had been on his woman, he was very upset. He got up and picked up Qiao Siyu, and it was still the princess. "I'm sorry, my wife is uncomfortable. Let's go first."

After giving Jin Zichen a provocative look, he walked out of the bar with Qiao Siyu in his arms.

"Wow, seeing Li mochuan himself for the first time is more handsome than he was on TV. He has handsome facial features, perfect figure and special gentleman."

"These are the second. The most important thing is that he really dotes on Qiao Siyu. I thought he would get angry. Unexpectedly, he not only didn't get angry, but also gave Qiao Siyu enough face to play with us for a while!" "yes, Qiao Siyu is really lucky to meet Li mo. why can't we meet him? I really want to buy a man on Taobao and ask Li mochuan for the same money!"

"I think he's very generous. Jin Zichen didn't feel sorry for him when he played the game. He finally understood why Qiao Siyu chose Li mochuan."

Several women discussed. When they suddenly received a cold eye, they all closed their mouths and saw Jin Zichen as cold as ice. In order to avoid suffering, they all found an excuse to leave.

Jin Zichen knows that he lost to Li mochuan again. Whether in Qiao Siyu's mind or in the eyes of these people, he lost. Li mochuan, you are not as simple as I imagined.

Feeling depressed, Jin Zichen stayed in the bar alone and drank a few drinks. Suddenly, a chaotic sound disturbed him. He frowned, his chest became more and more stuffy, and he missed Qiao Siyu more and more. He got up and wanted to go back to the home where he and Qiao Siyu once lived. A familiar voice suddenly rushed into his ears, "Let go of me, I'm just selling wine, not the lady here..."

Jin Zichen paused. Damn it, is there a auditory hallucination? How could he hear Chu Keke's voice? Chu Keke should be abroad now.

"I don't care whether you are a lady or not. I just like you. I have to fuck you tonight!"

"No, you can't do that. You're QJ. I'll sue you... Help, help..."

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