On the way back, Qiao Siyu didn't say a word. The king thought she was sad. Li mochuan chose Fang Yehan instead of her. He carefully explained: "Miss Qiao, in fact, President Li has already arranged for Miss Fang's heart disease. He had to choose her, but he will never let you have anything."

Qiao Siyu pulled the corners of her mouth and smiled. Yes, how could she forget that Li mochuan never fought uncertain battles. Since he came, he would certainly stay behind.

Seeing that Qiao Siyu didn't speak, Wang Guojun said again: "President Li rushed back from other provinces after learning that you were kidnapped, he..."

Before he finished, Qiao Siyu interrupted, "Secretary Wang, do you know what the relationship between Li mochuan and Fang Yehan is?"

The car was driving slowly on the road. Qiao Siyu looked at the scenery passing by layer by layer outside the window. Her heart was complicated. Before, she wanted to ask Li mochuan about the relationship between him and Fang Yehan, but she was always interrupted by all kinds of things before she could speak, so that she always forgot to ask.

Today, judging from the degree of Li mochuan's tension with Fang Yehan, they should not only have known each other for more than ten years, but also have a deeper relationship.

Seeing that Wang Guojun didn't speak, she smiled, "I'll ask. Secretary Wang can't say if he feels embarrassed."

After knowing Qiao Siyu for so long, Wang Guojun also has a certain understanding of her. In this case, the more she smiles, the more sad she is.

After thinking about it, Wang Guojun said faintly: "the relationship between Li and Miss Fang is very simple. The two people are the relationship between the guardian and the guardian."

This answer surprised Josie slightly, "what do you mean?"

"Miss Fang's brother Fang yechen was shot by President Li and died. Before she died, Fang yechen entrusted Miss Fang to President Li's care. At that time, Miss Fang was not an adult, and President Li became her guardian... Miss Fang had congenital heart disease, and her life would be in danger if she was excited, so president Li was always very careful..."

Qiao Siyu knew clearly that Li mochuan had told her about his life experience when they cooperated in treatment. It turned out that the man who saved him and died was Fang Yehan's brother.

"Miss Qiao, President Li's kindness to each other's miss is only in responsibility and commitment. It has nothing to do with love. President Li's love has always been you. Please don't doubt it."

Qiao Siyu never doubted Li mochuan's love for her, but when she saw the live people falling in front of her, she was extremely frightened. In a few seconds, those people died without even reacting.

Li mochuan, what kind of person are you? Why can't I see through you now?

Qiao Siyu was sent to the villa by Wang Guojun. When Aunt Han saw her lost soul, she immediately welcomed her with worry, "Xiaoyu, you've suffered."

Don't want to worry aunt Han, Qiao Siyu opened his mouth and smiled, "aunt Han, I'm a little hungry. Can you help me prepare something to eat? I'll go up and take a bath first."

"OK, OK, what would you like to eat?"

"As long as aunt Han did it, everything can be..."

Looking at Qiao Siyu's back upstairs, aunt Han glanced at Wang Guojun and asked in a low voice, "what about sir? Why didn't you come back?"

"Miss Fang has a heart attack. President Li sent her to the hospital. Aunt Han, please observe Miss Qiao more. If there is anything abnormal, you must call me."

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