Li mochuan's dressing is relatively simple. He takes off his clothes and trousers and puts on a pair of swimming trunks. But when he sees Qiao Siyu coming out of the dressing room, he suddenly regrets that he agreed to her swimming proposal.

Men like their women. The more they wear in front of others, the better. What's more, men like Li mochuan have a strong desire for monopoly.

All her beauty he just wants to appreciate alone.

God, Josie, what the hell are you thinking!

Patted his red cheek, she slowly walked towards him, "change your clothes, let's go swimming!"

Li mochuan endured the impulse to hide her, and finally took her into the sea.

Once underwater, Qiao Siyu's body would not be seen by those men. They were happily playing in the water, which made Li mochuan feel much better.

It doesn't matter if he can make her happy. These are extremely precious existence for him.

Looking at Li mochuan from a distance, Qiao Siyu is very happy. Her life is really wonderful because of him!

Suddenly, a woman sat beside her. Qiao Siyu turned around and saw that it was the woman of the couple who took pictures of her and Li mochuan not long ago.

He met his compatriots in a foreign country, and he met them twice a day, which made Josie a little happy. He smiled and said hello to her, "hello."

"Beauty, is that your husband or your boyfriend?"

A woman was interested in her man as soon as she came up, which made Qiao Siyu slightly uncomfortable. She didn't like Li mochuan being coveted by other women, "is there a difference?"

"Ha ha..." the woman smiled with bewilderment, "just a marriage certificate. It doesn't make much difference, but your boyfriend seems to be very popular!"

Looking along the woman's line of sight, Qiao Siyu saw that Li mochuan was looked at by a group of women like monkeys, and even some bold women whistled at him. Li mochuan looked impatient and almost got angry.

When Qiao Siyu saw Li mochuan for the first time, she thought he was shocked, not to mention these women. Seeing their eyes wantonly eating Li mochuan's tofu, she rushed over and took his arm. "Honey, I'm so tired. Let's go back to the hotel."

As soon as the voice fell, the woman who took the picture came over, "Hi, I'm Zheng Weiwei. Nice to meet you."

"I don't want to know your name, nor do I want to know you."

As soon as Li mochuan's cold words came out, a trace of embarrassment flashed on the woman's face, but her eyes flowed wantonly on Li mochuan.

Seeing that the woman's eyes fell on Li mochuan's lower body, Qiao Siyu was very angry. She stretched out her hand and pulled the towel on a chair. Regardless of Li mochuan's cleanliness, she directly surrounded him around his waist

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