"OK, drive carefully on the road."

Li mochuan bowed his head and kissed her lips. After taking a deep look at her, he turned and left the villa.

Josie looked at the time. It was nine o'clock.

Back to the room, she anxiously turned around in the room and called all Jin Zichen's numbers, but they were turned off.

As time passed by, Josie's heart became more and more nervous and anxious.

After struggling for an hour, Qiao Siyu finally decided to see Jin Zichen.

She doesn't know why Jin Zichen refused to accept the investigation, but since he will be caught by the police sooner or later in Jingteng City, it's better to persuade him to turn himself in.

Li mochuan didn't come back until one or two o'clock. She should be able to come back. Even if he knew that she went to see Jin Zichen, he should understand her.

Thinking so, Qiao Siyu put on a thick dress, took an umbrella and quietly opened the door. Seeing that Aunt Han had fallen asleep, she left the villa with light hands and feet.

After getting out of the door and taking a taxi, Qiao Siyu rushed to Jingteng University. Because he was too anxious, he didn't see a car following her

The atmosphere in the car was so cold that Wang didn't dare to look back for fear of being killed by the cold eyes of boss.


The rain was getting worse and worse with the strong wind. Josie got out of the taxi. Although he was holding an umbrella, he was still drenched a lot. Because the wind was too strong, the umbrella didn't work at all.

Finally the umbrella was blown away by the strong wind.

Joss cursed and walked hard to the back door of the library, but found that Jin Zichen didn't even have a ghost.

Damn it, was she stood up?

Took out his cell phone and looked at the time. It's already 10:30. Can't he wait to leave?

After waiting for a while, she was soaked and couldn't see Jin Zichen's shadow. Qiao Siyu turned and was about to leave. Suddenly, her arm was pulled by a strong force, and she fell into the man's arms.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, you finally come..."

Jin Zichen's voice trembled, and his hand holding Qiao Siyu was so hard that Qiao Siyu even had difficulty breathing.

She reached out and hammered him twice. When she saw that he had no reaction, she pinched him fiercely, "you... You let me go first!"

Jin Zichen reluctantly released her when she saw her pale face through the yellow street lamp. "Xiaoyu, will you leave Jingteng city with me? Let's go to a place where no one knows us and start over. Where will no one bother us again? We will live a happy life."

Qiao Siyu shook his head, "Zichen, things have happened. You can't hide all your life. The reason why I came to see you is to persuade you to accept the investigation. Maybe things are not as serious as you think, and we will try our best to help you."

"No, I don't want to go to jail. I don't want to miss you... Will Xiaoyu go with me? I know I've done a lot of wrong things before, but I'll change it. As long as you're by my side, I don't care about everything else."

The rain soaked their hair and clothes. Qiao Siyu didn't expect Jin Zichen to be so stubborn and disappointed with him for a time, "It doesn't matter if you leave. What about the Jin family? What about the families who died because of the project? Do you care about the injured employees? Do you know that once you leave, the Jin family will never get up after falling down. Do you want to watch the Jin family destroyed in your hands?"

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