
"As for the rest of the Jin family, I don't mind playing with them."

The word "play" squeezed out of his teeth made Wang Guojun shiver, and the Revenge of boss was finally about to begin

Qiao Siyu repeatedly burned all night, during which Li mochuan accompanied her and guarded her. Although he was angry, he was still worried about her body.

He wiped her sweat and fed her water and temperature. He was almost free all night.

The Emperor didn't lose heart. Qiao Siyu's high fever retreated at dawn and didn't relapse again. Li mochuan was relieved at this time.

Xu's fever subsided. Qiao Siyu slept a little more comfortably. He slept until noon. When she woke up, she still had a terrible headache and had no strength.

When he opened his eyes and saw the familiar furnishings around him, Josie remembered everything last night.

She was caught with Jin Zichen at the police station. Then Li mochuan went to the police station to guarantee her. Did he bring her home?

Thinking of his cold eyes when he looked at her last night, Josie's heart tightened, opened the quilt and got out of bed. But because of a fever all night, her head was still a little dizzy and almost fell to the ground. She still held the bedside table and barely stood up.

He didn't go out of the room until he was not so dizzy.

Slowly down the stairs, I still didn't see Li mochuan, "Han... Aunt Han..."

Hearing Qiao Siyu's voice, aunt Han immediately came out of the kitchen. When she saw that Qiao Siyu's face was still a little pale, she immediately went to hold her, "Xiaoyu, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, aunt Han. Where's Li mochuan?"

"The company has something urgent to deal with. Mr. went to the company early in the morning..."

While talking, he helped Josie to the sofa and sat down.

The first time he woke up, he didn't see Li mochuan. Qiao Siyu was slightly lost, "aunt Han, is he angry with me?"

Aunt Han touched Qiao Siyu's head and sighed gently, "it's raining so hard and you ran out so late to make yourself look like this. Can you not be angry, sir? But he's angry. He's still worried that you've taken care of you all night."

Hearing the speech, Qiao Siyu felt more and more guilty. Her face was already pale. Now she frowned and blamed herself, which was particularly distressing. Aunt Han couldn't see it anymore.

"Well, it's no use blaming yourself now. Get well and apologize to your husband. He's just making trouble with you now. Men also need to be coaxed..."

After listening to Aunt Han's words, Qiao Siyu cheered up, "OK."

Because he was sweating in the evening, Qiao Siyu felt uncomfortable. He took a bath first, and then went to the restaurant to eat the porridge made by Aunt Han. He recovered a lot.

When she returned to her room after dinner, she immediately called Li mochuan.

The phone rang for a long time, and Li mochuan's sexy low voice came into her ear, "wake up?"

"Mmm..." Jos replied. He had a lot to say, but he suddenly found that he didn't know where to start.

"Still burning? What's wrong with your body?"

Knowing that he was angry, he still heard his words of such concern. Josie's heart was moved in a mess, his nose was sour, and his eyes were hot. "It's not burning anymore. I'm fine. When will you go home?"

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