Sure enough, he Yutong's character!

"Well, don't worry, Jin Zichen. I'll find a way. I'll come to you later. The most important thing for you now is to coax Li mochuan. He's jealous of the jar. He doesn't know how many people will die!"

After chatting with he Yutong for a while, Qiao Siyu felt much more comfortable. After looking at the time, she immediately went downstairs and got into the kitchen at 1:30 p.m.

Aunt Han wondered, "Xiaoyu, do you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

"No, aunt Han, take a break. I want to make some sushi for mochuan and send it to his company." then apologize, he won't be angry, will he?

Aunt Han smiled and nodded. Without saying anything, she continued to watch TV.

Josie made sushi an hour later. She put the lovely sushi into the lunch box and walked out of the villa with confidence.

"Aunt Han, wish me success?"

Aunt Han made a refueling gesture, "fighting!"

Qiao Siyu took a taxi and went to Shunchang building. Unexpectedly, he just got off the taxi and was blocked by a woman before entering the building.

When he raised his eyes and saw Jin Zitong, Qiao Siyu was stunned, and then his eyebrows frowned tightly, "how could you be here?"

Damn it, doesn't she give up on Li mochuan?

"I have something to tell you! Let's find a place to talk."

"But I have nothing to tell you..." Qiao Siyu said, trying to pass her into the building, but she grabbed her arm. "Jin's appearance is related to Fang Yehan when Zhang Dalong kidnapped you."

In the afternoon, there were several people who drank afternoon tea in twos and threes in the cafe. Qiao Siyu raised her eyes and looked at Jin Zitong opposite. Xiumei wrinkled slightly. She had never seen Jin Zitong since she parted unhappily in the mall last time. Unexpectedly, when she met again, things had changed.

In the past, the arrogant, domineering and well-dressed Jin eldest lady now has a plain face, how pale her face is, and her eyes are blue. It is not difficult to see that she has been very bad for more than a week.

"What did you mean by that? Jin's appearance has something to do with Zhang Dalong's kidnapping of Fang Yehan and me?"

Qiao Siyu didn't like Jin Zitong, so if she didn't hear this, she would never sit with her.

Jin Zitong sadly stroked the hair falling from his forehead. A trace of light flashed in her black eyes, but when she looked up at Qiao Siyu, her eyes were only full of sadness, "yes, the reason why Jin was facing such a big crisis was caused by Li mochuan."

"Nonsense!" subconsciously, Qiao Siyu excitedly protected Li mochuan. Damn it, she knew that it would be bad for Jin Zitong to find her, but she never thought that Jin Zitong would press the name of such a great crime on Li mochuan's head. "What does Zhang Dalong's kidnapping of Fang Yehan and me have to do with Jin?"

"Siyu, don't get excited and listen to me."

Looking at Jin Zitong's appearance, it doesn't seem to be fabricated out of thin air. Qiao Siyu's heart is vaguely uneasy, "OK, you say, I'll listen."

"In fact, Zhang Dalong kidnapped you and Fang Yehan... I also have a share..."

Josie was surprised and stared incredulously, "what!?"

Jin Zitong burst into tears. She was very sad.

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