This time, when Li mochuan left, Fang Yehan didn't hold him anymore. Li mochuan's slap hit not only her face, but also her heart.

A Liang, who was rushed to the door, ran in and saw Fang Yehan squatting on the ground crying with his face covered. He nervously went forward to check her injury, but Fang Yehan pushed her away, "get out, get out!"

At this time, a Liang saw the five finger prints on Fang Yehan's face. For a moment, a trace of crazy killing intention flashed in his originally cold black eyes.

Regardless of Fang Yehan's resistance, he forcibly picked her up to the bedroom and put her on the bed. "Your body is your own. Don't spoil it."

"Get out, you get out..."

Fang Yehan cried very sad. Li mochuan has determined that she is a snake hearted woman. He has been very disappointed with her and doesn't want her. What is she doing alive?

As soon as the word "death" poured into the brain, it sprouted in Fang Yehan's brain like a seed that took root. Then she smiled coldly. If she died, Li mochuan would not drive her back to the United States.


It rained endlessly. After Qiao Siyu parted ways with he Yutong, he Yutong was urged back to work overtime, while Qiao Siyu went back to the villa.

Li mochuan angrily left the office without a phone call. She didn't know what to say after calling him, so she was a little bored all afternoon.

Back home, just put on her slippers, aunt Han greeted her, "Xiaoyu, you're back? Why? Sir didn't come back with you?"

Alas, he hasn't come home yet!

"Well, he still has something to do, so I'll come back first..." said Josie and walked into the hall.

But aunt Han's laughter came from behind, "was that very happy when Mr. Han saw you send him a stool?"

In other words, when she saw that Qiao Siyu's face was not very good, aunt Han smiled again. "Sir is generally not happy and angry. In fact, he is happy in his heart. The head of the bed between the young couple hits the tail of the bed. When Mr. Han comes back in the evening, you will naturally make up."

Happy? Li mochuan's lungs are expected to explode now!

Don't want to let aunt Han worry, Qiao Siyu stubbornly pulled out a smile, "well, aunt Han, I'll go up and take a bath first."

Qiao Siyu came out after taking a bath, and Li mochuan hasn't come home yet. Not only that, there's not even a phone.

He knew that Fang Yehan had committed a crime and could not live. He knew that Jin Zichen was innocent, but he still refused to let him go, and stubbornly thought that she was obsessed with Jin Zichen and misunderstood her. It was unreasonable.

In the afternoon, he left her alone. Up to now, he hasn't even had a phone call or text message, so is he ready to fight with her?

He was desperate to hurt so many people for Fang Yehan. She didn't say anything. She always believed in him.

But she just wanted to save Jin Zichen and didn't want him to go to jail, so he began to play all kinds of temper.

What kind of fight at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, people don't come, and wool!

Cold war, right? Good. Let's see who can hold on for a long time. He won't save Jin Zichen. She'll just think of another way

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