Although she received many love letters in her desk and schoolbag when she was in junior high school, she wanted to learn and never opened them. Later, after those who wrote love letters to her were educated by Duan Xiaonan, almost all the boys in the school knew that she had a powerful brother, so they didn't have the courage to confess to her and write love letters. Not to mention she wrote love letters to others.

Qiao Siyu is kind to people from Xuyu literature, but now looking at the empty A4 paper, she can't write a word.

After biting the pen for a long time, Qiao Siyu's eyes lit up and prepared to ask for help from the Internet.

In this era of advanced technology, nothing is faster and more comprehensive than the Internet.

Sure enough, a search led to a large number of love letter samples.

Literature and art, affectionate, childish, rogue, everything

After reading it one by one, Qiao Siyu suddenly felt that it was not good to write and copy love letters. Does it seem that she was insincere?

Forget it, I still don't copy it.

Just about to close the web page, I suddenly saw a news event in the city.

Qiao Siyu subconsciously opened it and saw the news about Jin.

The headline is: Jin's current situation and future development, as well as Jin Zichen's current situation.

Qiao Siyu didn't expect that Jin was bought by Shunchang. What did Li mochuan think?

As soon as the video opened, Li mochuan's angry face appeared on the big screen.

"Hello, I'm Li mochuan. Jin family has become a part of Shunchang. From now on, there will be only Shunchang and no Jin family!

I welcome those employees who are willing to flow down. The salary will follow the salary of Shunchang. I don't want to stay.

Although Shunchang bought Jin, I know that Jin Zichen, President of Jin, is a rare talent. If he wants to, he can still stay. Of course, it's purely voluntary. "

The video is not long, but what should be said has been made clear.

Qiao Siyu frowned slightly. He just wanted to dial Li mochuan's phone. The door was opened and the person who came in was Li mochuan.


Before he could finish, he came over and held her tightly in his arms. His dark eyes flashed slightly when he saw the computer screen, "do you want to ask me about the acquisition of Jin Shi?"

"Er..." Qiao Siyu originally had that idea, but when he suddenly asked, she really didn't know how to answer. If she said she wanted to, the jealous guy would get into the jealous jar again. But she didn't want to, and she wanted to know.

"Jin's family is facing bankruptcy. Many companies want to buy at a low price. According to Jin's family, it's not even worth 3 million, but I spent 10 million to buy Jin's family. Do you know why?"

Qiao Siyu knows that it is unwise to acquire Jin at this juncture. Jin's reputation and reputation have declined sharply. Even if Jin is an old company for many years, it is also a hot potato.

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