The bar was filled with deafening DJ music. After drinking a lot of wine, Jin Zitong stumbled to the bathroom and abused the rich second generation who wanted to take advantage of her.

In her eyes, those people are disgusting parasites. They rely on the money given by their parents to survive every day and feel great.

What can they have but money?

At best, it's gold and jade. At worst, it's Huahua pillow, a bag of grass, and a pile of scum full of pornographic insects!

Suddenly, a woman came out of the bathroom and ran into Jin Zitong. The woman immediately apologized, "sorry..."

But Jin Zitong looked at the flowers and couldn't help scolding, "horse flea, bitch, female watch..."

"Who do you call a bitch?"

"I'll scold you. What's the matter? Lower class, bitch..."

When the woman wanted to say something, she saw several people coming fiercely. Seeing that their faces were not good, the woman immediately hid next to them.

Jin Zitong thought that the woman was afraid of her. After a disdainful cold hum, she held the wall to go into the bathroom, but the next second her mouth was covered, and several men lifted her up and quickly left the door of the bathroom.

One of the men pointed to a woman who had already been scared and silly and warned, "those who know each other, don't talk nonsense!"

The woman nodded and quickly left to wash her hands

In fact, Jin Zitong missed an opportunity. If she didn't scold the woman who apologized to her, maybe the woman would call the police to save her.

Life is like this. What kind of cause you plant will get what kind of fruit.

Jin Zitong had no room to struggle and resist, so he was taken to a private room and threw it on the sofa.

Because the throwing force was too strong, she hit her head hard on the sofa, which made her head more dizzy.

Dizzy back to dizzy, people can always recover Qingming when facing danger. Jin Zitong subconsciously remembered his body and was pushed hard.

"It's noble and cold. It hasn't become our plaything yet. Jin Zitong, if you go far, our brothers will make you happy today! Ha ha..."

"Go away, you animals, parasites..."

There was a loud voice in the box, "all ready, hurry up, the other brothers are still waiting!"

"What's the hurry? All night, let's play slowly, Miss Jin, ha ha... Tonight is just a chicken under us!" said the man directly tore open Jin Zitong's long skirt. Jin Zitong struggled hard, but his hands were tightly grasped by the other two men and couldn't move at all.

"Wait, brother, since you want to play, you can play something big. One of my friends brought it back from Thailand. The effect can't be great..." said. The man put the medicine into a glass of wine, pinched Jin Zitong's chin and poured it into her mouth.

"Give it to me, I want..."

"Ha ha... See, every minute makes a cold woman become a valley owes a woman."

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