Li mochuan frowned tightly because of her wishful remarks, "nonsense, what female match? In my world of Li mochuan, you are my only heroine."

Josie's heart is like wrapped in a layer of honey. Don't be sweet.

She felt as if she had been poisoned. Every word and every move of him could easily stir her heart

I love him more and more.

"What about me?"

Josie was immersed in sweetness and didn't react at all. What did Li mochuan mean by "what about me?".

"Hmm? What's the matter with you?"

"I'm your what?"

Josie reflected what he was asking. Well, what was he her? The hero?

He has said she is his heroine. If she says he is her hero now, it seems to follow suit.

After thinking about it, Josie suddenly smiled, "you are my super star."

You are my superstar.

Obviously, Li mochuan doesn't like this answer very much.

"I'd rather be your man than super star."

Your man

Happy and sweet days always pass quickly. Qiao Siyu's arm has been smeared with medicine, and Li mochuan's meticulous care has been much better.

Nevertheless, Li mochuan was very overbearing and didn't let Qiao Siyu go to work.

"Don't even think about going to work until your arm heals."

Qiao Siyu thought of the irresistible tone when Li mochuan said this sentence and sighed sadly.

Qiao Siyu is a restless person. When Li mochuan is at home with her, they can spend some time, walking hand in hand, watching movies, or running to see the sea.

Now that she has just acquired Jin, she has a lot of things to do. Li mochuan has to go to work in the company, so she is particularly bored at home alone.

Every day after dinner, she watches TV and swipes the web. She feels like she's going to waste.

On this day, after breakfast, Josie started a whole day's journey of brushing web pages.

Open the microblog to see what has happened recently, but find that Li mochuan has been hot search.

The title is: "other people's boyfriend Li mochuan!"

Someone else's house? Is that her? Is there anyone else besides her?

With curiosity, doubt, excitement and entanglement, Qiao Siyu opened the microblog.

"As a single dog, in this hot summer, I was hurt by 100 million points. I'm running in tears. Don't say anything. Look at the picture..."

There are five pictures in total, which can also be said to be five photos.

Qiao Siyu opened the photo and found not only Li mochuan but also her!

There was a picture of him lowering his head and kissing her wound. There are photos of him looking at her painfully and gently, and some photos of him holding her into the emergency room.

The forwarding volume is amazing, tens of thousands of comments have been made, and the number of likes has reached more than 100000. Qiao Siyu likes these photos very much and silently likes them.

Idleness is also boring, so she clicked on the comment.

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