His hand was heavily pinched again. Qiao Siyu was speechless. He raised his eyes and just glanced at Duan Xiaonan lightly. "Xi'er is also my sister..."

Hearing the speech, Du Yuelan sneered and snorted. After Qiao Shengkai coughed and reminded, Du Yuelan sat in the chair reluctantly.

Qiao Xi'er has been in a high tension and is looking forward to the arrival of Gu Qingtian and Gu's family. She doesn't know what will happen next. She only knows that she has reached this step, so she must continue to walk firmly. Gu Qingtian makes her believe him, so no matter what happens, she will believe him.

Qiao Shengkai drank softly when he saw that she was anxious and restless. "Xi'er, sit down and don't turn around again. In a moment, let the family see what's going on. As the daughter of the Qiao family, you must be fearless in the face of danger. Your brother, sister, brother-in-law and your mother and I are here. What are you nervous about?"

Joe Xi'er's nervous fingers were stirred together, and the palms of his hands were sweating a lot, but he sat obediently beside Joe Siyu.

Qiao Siyu's left hand has been held by Li mochuan. Without letting go, she grabbed Qiao Xier's hand with her right hand and comforted her in a soft voice, "take a deep breath, don't be afraid, don't be nervous, and take this meeting as an exam."

"Sister, to tell you the truth, I haven't been nervous in the college entrance examination."

"Well, with so many people sitting down for you, you must have confidence and strive for your own happiness!"

"Well, I will!"

Listening to Qiao Si's words of comfort, Qiao Xi'er's tension eased a lot in an instant.

Over there, Du Yuelan didn't know what to say to Duan Xiaonan. She couldn't hear the muttering Qiao Siyu at all. To her surprise, Li mochuan around her didn't speak except when she came in. He just played with her fingers wholeheartedly, as if her fingers were a funny toy.

When Qiao Xi'er sent Gu Qingtian a wechat, Qiao Siyu turned his head and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "what's the matter with you? Do you feel very bored?"


But he preferred her slender fingers to those boring and annoying people.

Well, the nails are long and have to be cut!

Thinking so, Li mochuan looked up at Qiao Siyu, "do you have a nail clipper?"

"What are you doing?"

"Nails are too long and inconvenient."

"... go home and cut it again. Gu Qingtian and they'll be there in a minute!" this guy doesn't pay attention to the occasion.

"I'm going to cut it now. I promise I'll finish it before they arrive!" he said, picking his eyebrow. "Don't you give it? I'll find your father..."

"No, I'll take it!" Josie took out a nail clipper from his bag and handed it to him, gnashing his teeth and said, "hurry up..."

Li mochuan didn't speak. He focused on helping Qiao Siyu cut his nails. Qiao Siyu was surprised. He wanted to take out his hand, but he couldn't take it out. "Why do you cut my nails?"

"The claws are too sharp. I'll grind them for you!"

"I won't cut it, you let me go!" she and he Yutong spent money to make this nail a week ago. They thought he was going to beat his own nails, but they didn't expect him to destroy her nails.

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