"I still don't like it now, but who makes him an old man? Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. In the future, if you want to see Gu Qingming, you can go at any time and care for the empty old man. Everyone has a responsibility."

Qiao Siyu couldn't help but feel angry if Gu Qingming heard this!

Hey, why do you feel a little uneasy about your conscience!

After feeling uncomfortable all morning, Qiao Siyu called Gu Qingming. Gu Qingming quickly got through the phone. It seemed that he didn't expect her to call him. There was a trace of surprise and joy in his voice, "Xiaoyu, what can I do for you?"

"Uncle Gu, do you have time this weekend?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Let's go climbing, shall we?"

"Well, well, I'll pick you up at the weekend!"

"... no, I'll just go and find you!"

"I insist!"

"... all right!"

Hang up the phone, a big stone in Joe Siyu's heart finally disappeared, and he felt much more comfortable breathing.

Li mochuan came out of his study and just heard Qiao Siyu call Gu Qingming. He walked over and hugged her from behind. "It's so eccentric. Why don't you ever exercise with me?"

Li mochuan came out of his study and just heard Qiao Siyu call Gu Qingming. He walked over with long legs and hugged her from behind. "It's eccentric. Why don't you ever exercise with me?"

Qiao Siyu smiled and turned his eyes. "You didn't say that respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Do you want me to care more about the empty nest old man?"

Li mochuan suddenly choked, "Gu Qingming has such a son as Gu Qingtian. As long as he is willing to have someone to accompany him, where is the empty nest old man?"

In the afternoon, I saw her unhappy and wanted to tease her!

"Well, don't haggle with an old man. Besides, you're in such good health that you don't need exercise!"

Hearing the speech, Li mochuan picked his eyebrows. "It's because of his great body that he needs more exercise!"

I loved her very much. Li mochuan bowed his head and gave her a lingering French kiss. The two went to the company together.

What is Li mochuan doing recently? Qiao Siyu is not very clear. Anyway, he always feels mysterious.

As soon as they arrived at the company, they parted ways and entered their respective offices.

Qiao Siyu was determined to resign. As soon as he returned to the office, he began to sort out his things. The classified documents and things should be put in categories, so that the next translator can start.

After everything was cleaned up, he knocked on the door and walked into Li mochuan's office. He didn't know what he was doing. A pair of slender fingers danced flexibly on the keyboard. In such a large office, there was only the sound when his fingers touched the keyboard.

Because the air conditioner was turned on, the office was cool. He only wore a shirt, and his cuffs were neatly rolled up, revealing his beautiful and charming wrists.

When he was serious, he had no distractions. He could be fascinated. A pair of dark eyes stared at the computer tightly. She was a little jealous of the computer.

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