Since Duan Xiaonan wants to play in the shade, he doesn't mind accompanying him!

But Li mochuan didn't expect this decision. He lost to Duan Xiaonan after all.

When Qiao Siyu went to work, she met a colleague named Fang Yunfei. At first, Qiao Siyu didn't like each other's Yunfei. I don't know whether it was her surname Fang or she felt too cold, or she didn't dare to make friends after Gu Xirou's betrayal.

But in the later contact, Qiao Siyu found that Fang Yunfei was a very independent woman, with a cold appearance and a hot heart. One is one, two is two, without affectation. Gradually, Qiao Siyu really liked her, and the two became friends.

After this day's class, Fang Yunfei asked Qiao Siyu to have dinner on the grounds that their friendship had just been established. Qiao Siyu wanted to go, so she called Li mochuan.

Unexpectedly, Li mochuan agreed very readily, but finally added, "call me after dinner and I'll pick you up."


When she hung up the phone and turned her head, Fang Yunfei was looking at her with a smile. "People are strict with their wives. How can they become strict with their husbands when they get to you?"

"The Regal isolationist is ridiculed." we are in love. You alone will not understand it!

Fang Yunfei's heart was hurt by 100 million points, but she knew it was a joke. Both women went to a Korean restaurant with a smile.

Working on the right path and meeting a good friend, Josie was in a good mood and ate a lot.

Unexpectedly, they met Jin Zichen and Chu Keke after dinner!

Chu Keke is holding Jin Zichen. They seem to be dating. Chu Keke's face is full of happy smiles, but when he sees Qiao Siyu, his smile freezes on his face

To ask Qiao Siyu what it's like to meet her ex husband and the little three who destroyed their marriage in the street, Qiao Siyu can only say it's fucking.

The reason to say fuck. It's not that she is jealous or diaphragmatic, but that she doesn't need to meet.

Chu Keke's face changed when she saw her. She smiled at the bottom of her heart and passed Jin Zichen and Chu Keke with Fang Yunfei.

She didn't say hello to them and didn't feel the need to say hello.

Just Qiao Siyu didn't expect that Chu cocoa stopped her

"Siyu, wait a minute, I have something to tell you."

Josie stopped and turned to look at Chu Keke. "What's the matter with Miss Chu?"

"Zichen and I got married on September 28. Come and have a wedding wine if you're free?"

Qiao Siyu was slightly stunned, but she was not surprised. Although Chu Ke was the third party involved in her marriage with Jin Zichen at the beginning, to tell the truth, Chu Keke was a good woman with love and righteousness. At that time, she heard that Jin Zichen drove her out of the Jin family, but after the Jin family had an accident, she hurriedly rescued Jin Zichen without saying anything, and wanted to work hard with Jin Zichen.

So it's good for Jin Zichen to be with her.

It's just a little unexpected that Chu Keke would ask her to attend their wedding. Reasonably speaking, Chu Keke hates her so much that she should turn a blind eye to her!

But in the twinkling of an eye, women have vanity. Even if Chu Keke has deep love for Jin Zichen, she still hates her. She asked her to have a wedding wine. Maybe she just wanted to tell her that Chu Keke has finally become the daughter-in-law of the Jin family and finally got Jin Zichen.

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