Sitting in the car, she called Li mochuan. Without a few rings, Li mochuan's low magnetic voice came into her ears.

"Why did you get up so early today?"

In the past, Qiao Siyu would certainly sleep until 11 or 12 o'clock to get up. At that time, Li mochuan had already completed a whole day's work and went home to accompany her, but she left at 9 o'clock today. He was probably still working!?

"My father was cheated five million. I have to see him."

"Oh? Cheated?"

"Well, it was said that it was private fund-raising. He invested five million in it. As a result, he ran away with the money."

"Well, you remember to go to Qiao's house after breakfast. When I'm done here, I'll pick you up at Qiao's house."

"No, you'd better wait for me at home after work. How cold it is to run around in such a cold day!"

Li mochuan at the other end of the phone smiled happily, "OK, listen to my baby!"

After calling Li mochuan, Qiao Siyu's depressed mood in the morning was much better. When he arrived at Qiao's house, there were only Qiao Shengkai and Du Yuelan, and there was no Duan Xiaonan he didn't want to see. Qiao Siyu was a little relieved.


When Qiao Siyu came in, Qiao Shengkai immediately welcomed him. His hair was messy and his face was very poor. His eyes that had experienced wind and frost were full of red blood. It was always because of the five million worries.

"Xiaoyu, you're here! Dad doesn't know what to do!"

"Dad, what's going on?"

"It's my father's fault that he is blind. He doesn't know people clearly. Five million yuan was thrown in and he didn't even catch a hair!"

In fact, the thing is like this. After Qiao Shengkai took $5 million from Li mochuan, he originally wanted to give Duan Xiaonan to develop the company, but Duan Xiaonan didn't accept it and asked them to spend their own money at home. Qiao Shengkai thought of investing and wanted to make more money in his hand.

At that time, a particularly famous real estate developer was raising funds and promised that the high interest rate was three times higher than the regular interest rate of the bank. As soon as he was excited, he wanted to invest two million, but the other party said that the more he invested, the more he earned. He simply invested the five million.

But when he promised to take the money, seeing that the other party had no response, he called. As a result, the phone couldn't get through and couldn't find anyone. At this time, he knew that he had been cheated. The documents that the real estate developer had shown him were fake and the signed contract was also fake.

Five million. It's gone before it's hot.

Hearing the speech, Qiao Siyu frowned more tightly. Five million is not a small amount. It is likely to be the hard work accumulated by his father in his life. Thinking of being cheated, Qiao Siyu was particularly angry, "did you call the police?"

"Yes, the police said they were investigating... But it's not certain whether the money will come back!"

"At first I asked you to vote only half. You didn't listen. I asked you to ask Xiaonan's opinion. You have to make your own opinion. Now, five million is gone. How can you live?" Du Yuelan sobbed on the sofa, his tone full of blame and collapse.

"Don't I want to make more money to make this family better? I'm very sad without money!"

"You still have a reason, don't you? If you weren't greedy, we would have spent all our money? I haven't had a good day since I married you for so many years. Now I look at the children. I wanted to enjoy peace and happiness, but now? There's nothing..."

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