"Mochuan... Come back quickly. What will I do if you die? I won't live alone! Why are you so selfish and leave me alone in the car to take risks... Woo... Don't worry, don't worry."

But Li mochuan couldn't hear her at all. The only idea in his mind now was to ensure her safety. If he couldn't even protect his own women, what qualifications would he have to live in this world.

Li mochuan deserves to be a man who has experienced a hail of bullets. No matter how many people there are, they can't hurt him.

"Brother Dong, that boy is so powerful that he missed a shot. Many of our brothers died under him."

"Brother Dong, a group of people rushed over from Anning road. It seems that they came to save them. What should we do?"

Han Dongzi bit his teeth and was unwilling, but when he saw big Jos language on the car, his mouth was cold. "Since he came, he can't return empty handed. Kill the woman first." in this way, he can go back to work, and it's not worth killing so many brothers.


Li mochuan dealt with the gun battle and thought that Wang Guojun was coming, but suddenly his pupils narrowed and saw that the two cars hit the car where Qiao Siyu was.

A car was instantly knocked out of shape



Two voices fell to the ground at the same time, one was Li mochuan's frightened roar and the other was the sound of gunfire. At the moment of Li mochuan's absence, the other party caught the opportunity, a bullet flew over and hit him in the abdomen. His eyes were cold, his hand fired, and the other party was shot in the forehead and killed instantly


I don't know who shouted. The gangster who was still struggling with Li mochuan jumped into the car and left. The two cars that hit Qiao Siyu's car also put into gear and ran away. Before the car went far, the driver of one car was shot dead in the forehead and the other was shot in the chest.

The driver was dead, and the two cars lost their balance. They were forced to stop after the "bang" sound.

The scene was a mess, with broken vehicles, blood everywhere and several bodies.

Li mochuan ignored others. His pale face flustered and stumbled into Qiao Siyu's vehicle. When he opened the door and saw her lying on the co pilot with blood on her face and closed her eyes, his breath was stifled.

He held her face, wiped the blood on her forehead with his trembling hand, and shouted her name in fear, "Sisi... Sisi, I'm back. Open your eyes and look at me!"

But she was like leaves scattered from trees in autumn, lifeless and unresponsive.

"Sisi, don't be afraid. I'll take you to the hospital now. I won't let you have anything. You can't have anything!"

Because the car was hit by people and worried about the problems of oil leakage and explosion, Li mochuan took Qiao Siyu out of the car. That is, at this time, he was frightened to see that the most serious injury to her was not her head, but her abdomen. Maybe it was a subconscious action. Her hands tightly covered her abdomen, and the bright red blood flowed out of her white, tender and slender hands, Dyed her white down jacket and white boots red.

In this case, Josie must not be moved, otherwise the massive bleeding will kill her!

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